Tag: Friendship

In Issue 899 of Family First Inbox, the discussion revolves around the complexities of maintaining friendships amid life changes, particularly in the context of marriage and singlehood.
Penina, a college student, befriends Rivi, a frum girl with her life meticulously planned.
In this Bintel Brief article, a bride-to-be seeks advice on whether she is obligated to invite her friend's boyfriend, whom she dislikes, to her wedding.
Willie Mays, a baseball legend facing financial struggles in 1963, found a savior in Jacob Shemano, a Jewish banker, which blossomed into a lifelong friendship that bridged cultural divides.
The letter is a heartfelt message from a single person to their married friend, expressing the difficulty of their differing life stages.
Moishele Alfonso recounts the heartwarming tale of his unexpected bond with a Hasidic Jewish woman named Rivke in Miami.
A non-Jewish individual seeks advice on how to address their best friend's increasing antisemitic behavior.
The author discusses the importance of relationships for a healthy and happy life, drawing from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which highlighted the significance of strong social connections in overall well-being.
The author reflects on the sudden deaths of two friends, Kate and Hilda, due to cancer and contrasts their swift passing with her son's insistence on living life to the fullest despite illness, encapsulating the sentiment of "you only live once" (YOLO).
The film "Mother's Instinct" explores the intense grief and psychological turmoil experienced by a mother, Celine (Anne Hathaway), after the tragic death of her child.
Ross Kagan Marks reflects on the loss of his oldest friends, Josh Wex Wexler and David Fetch Fleisher, who were like brothers to him, sharing a strong bond through basketball and life experiences.
In Chapter 13 of the Tale of Treeo, Nellie has been searching for Eli but hasn't had any luck finding him.
In Chapter 30 of "Upper Class," Debbi appears visibly exhausted and expresses her intention to confess to their mother about a mistake that was made.
This text is a humorous personal narrative about the author and his friend, referred to as his "Brah," going on pub crawls and their encounters with a new person they suspect is a spy.
In this article from The Forward's "A Bintel Brief" column, a reader seeks advice on how to repair a friendship that has been strained due to a communication misunderstanding.
In a conversation with Yonit and Jonathan, literary giant Malcolm Gladwell discusses his impact on popularizing non-fiction, the negative effects of social media on our perception of reality, and a personal anecdote about how a wedding toast once disrupted a friendship of his.
A reader writes to The Forward's advice column, "Bintel," seeking guidance on how to handle a situation where their friends declined to take a rapid COVID-19 test before visiting the reader's daughter's home.
The podcast delves into various themes such as friendship, principle, conflict, and the recent primary loss of Liz Cheney in Wyoming.
Yesh, an American individual, has written a book called "Unthinkable Dreams" which recounts the profound impact of his mother's passing shortly before the events of 9-11.
This text is a personal reflection on the author's experience interviewing Prince for a Rolling Stone cover story in 1985.
The article explores the friendship between Ruth and Naomi in the book of Ruth.
Ralph catches up with his old friend Steven Page, who has experienced great success in the music industry, including writing orchestral arrangements and creating a new musical.
The Fox and Lox Society, a group of aging friends, gathered regularly for a poker game over the years, with their traditions evolving as they aged.
The relationship between Jewish writers Saul Bellow and Bette Howland is explored in this text that delves into their deep emotional connection, marked by their shared experiences as writers.
Malka Marom, a Canadian-Israeli musician, broadcaster, and friend of Joni Mitchell, chronicles her deep connection with the iconic musician in "Joni Mitchell in Her Own Words," a collection of conversations spanning 40 years.