Tag: Gaza

In a recent address to the citizens of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu invoked the biblical figure of Amalek in reference to the October 7 Hamas terror attacks.
The International Court of Justice in The Hague is set to hold hearings brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide following heavy losses in Gaza by the IDF.
Nine Israeli soldiers, including six in a single incident, were killed in Gaza during fighting as Israel announced a new, more targeted phase of its campaign.
Omer Bartov, a prominent scholar of the Holocaust and professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University, discusses the issue of genocide in the context of Israel and Gaza.
Americans for Peace Now, a left-wing pro-Israel organization, has become the first American Zionist group to call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.
The war in Gaza has brought the fight for LGBTQ rights to the forefront in Israel.
Israeli police are investigating the killing of a 3-year-old Palestinian girl during a car-ramming attack near the West Bank settlement of Givat Zeev.
At the 2024 Golden Globes awards ceremony, attendees are wearing yellow ribbon pins on their red carpet outfits.
The article discusses the economic situation in the Palestinian territories and the role of corruption and terrorism in shaping it.
The symbol of a watermelon has become associated with Palestinian nationalism due to its colors matching those of the Palestinian flag.
The ongoing assault on Gaza by Israel not only has devastating effects in terms of physical destruction but also poses a significant threat to public health.
The article criticizes the dangerous idea of depopulating Gaza and resettling Palestinians outside of the region.
The Golden Globes, known for being politically outspoken, is expected to address Israel and Gaza during this year's awards ceremony.
In this article, Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller and former NPR host Robert Siegel discuss the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and the broader geopolitical implications in the region.
On Tuesday, an Israeli drone assassinated Hamas deputy chairman Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut, Lebanon.
Amichai Oster, an Israeli-American soldier, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
Israeli officials are considering enlisting Alan Dershowitz to represent Israel at the International Court of Justice in their dispute with South Africa over accusations of genocide in Gaza.
A top Hamas leader, Saleh Al-Arouri, was killed in Beirut along with two other Hamas leaders in an attack.
Amichai Oster, a 24-year-old Israeli-American, was killed while fighting in the northern Gaza Strip.
The author discusses the recent protests in Tel Aviv against the Israel-Hamas war.
The author discusses the indoctrination of hate among young Palestinian children and argues that sympathy for Palestinians in the media should be tempered by an understanding of the hatred that is taught in Palestinian schools.
Ambassador Dennis Ross, who has been involved in U.S. Middle East policy for many years, spoke at a rally in Tel Aviv in support of Israeli hostages held by Hamas.
In this installment of Yoni Heilman's diary as an IDF soldier, he reflects on the ongoing mission in Gaza and the challenges faced by soldiers both on and off the battlefield.
This diary entry provides insight into the experience of an IDF soldier during a war.