Tag: Gaza

The text discusses the portrayal of Israel as inhumane during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Israel is actually conducting one of the most humane wars in recent memory.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss a tumultuous year in Israel and the Jewish world, touching on recent events and engaging with Rachel Goldberg-Polin, a prominent figure representing families of hostages, specifically her son Hersh captured by Hamas at a music festival.
In this episode of Home Front, it is discussed that Israel is involved in a undeclared war in the North.
Two Israeli-Americans, Judith Weinstein and Gadi Haggai, who went missing during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, have been confirmed killed.
Two Israeli-Americans who went missing during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 have been confirmed killed.
Despite increasing global calls for a ceasefire in Israel, domestic support for the ongoing conflict remains high.
The author of this commentary criticizes The New York Times for what they perceive as biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has outlined his preconditions for peace between Israel and Gaza in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal.
Israeli soldiers have discovered evidence linking the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza to Hamas and the Oct. 7 attacks.
The article discusses the difficulties that the West, particularly Israel, faces in understanding Hamas and the Middle East.
The author argues that Palestinians' support for Hamas' actions and celebration of violence against Israel indicates a deep-seated hatred.
The article argues that Israel should not entertain the idea of a ceasefire with Hamas, likening the situation to if Hitler had proposed a ceasefire in 1945.
The Israeli military has begun constructing a buffer zone along the entire Gaza border, located on the Gaza side and only accessible to Israel Defense Forces personnel.
This article discusses the security challenges facing Israel in post-war Gaza and proposes a plan for governance in the region.
This article describes the author's experience attending a bris (circumcision ceremony) amidst the ongoing war in Israel.
The article discusses the United Nations' bias against Israel and its obsession with singling out the country for criticism.
The author, Jodi Rudoren, summarizes her 10 days of reporting in Israel, highlighting the mood of Israeli Jews during the ongoing war with Hamas.
Pressure is increasing on the Israeli government amidst debates over the terms of a ceasefire, with families of hostages urging a pause following the accidental killing of three hostages by the IDF in Gaza.
Vice President Kamala Harris has been playing a more active role in discussions about the Israel-Hamas war and has expressed tougher words for Israel than President Joe Biden.
In this episode, Peter Beinart speaks with two political analysts, Khalil Sayegh and Muhammad Shehada, about Hamas.
Despite facing threats from multiple territories and having a flawed leadership, Israel is currently winning the war.
Starbucks is being targeted by activists on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has failed in his job to keep Israel safe, resulting in a catastrophic failure.
Shachar Dor, a Gazan-born man who converted to Judaism and now lives in Israel, was not surprised by Hamas's deadly attack on October 7.
The threat posed by Hezbollah to northern Israeli communities has led to the evacuation of tens of thousands of people.