Tag: Gaza

Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently addressed concerns raised by American Jewish leaders in a closed meeting regarding public disagreements between the U.S. and Israel, emphasizing that some disputes necessitate public discussion.
The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas shows no imminent sign of resolution, with recent developments indicating a potential shift in Israel's military strategy in Gaza.
President Joe Biden has emerged as a strong ally of Israel through his recent efforts to create an international coalition, including key Arab countries, to protect Israel from a significant missile and drone attack.
The text reflects on the enduring relevance of George Orwell's work, particularly his journalistic integrity and clear, urgent writing style which continues to serve as a compass for those seeking clarity in a complex world.
Israel is currently grappling with how to respond to a recent direct Iranian attack on its territory, which was thwarted with minimal casualties.
The text discusses the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, highlighting Israel's increased recklessness in its attacks on Iran after October 7, including targeting the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus.
The text is an open letter addressed to the people of Palestine, highlighting the failures and challenges faced by Palestinians in establishing a self-sustaining state, urging them to strategically accept living alongside an independent Jewish state for lasting peace.
Israel repelled an Iranian missile attack using its advanced defense systems without any casualties or damage, showcasing its exceptional defensive capabilities.
Sen. John Fetterman criticized President Biden for not supporting Israel in the face of Iran's recent attack, emphasizing the need to stand firmly with Israel due to their shared enemy in Iran.
Israel successfully defended against Iran's attack with the help of allies like the U.S., Britain, and France.
Literary scholar Saree Makdisi delves into Zionism's denial tactics, imperial racial logics, and the potential for coexistence.
The text discusses Israel's military actions against Hamas in Gaza, detailing strategic operations, including a significant combatant-to-civilian casualty ratio favoring Israel.
"The Hebrew Lips" is a poem reflecting on the tension within Jews between the harshness of biblical texts and the reverence for human life inherent in the Hebrew language.
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, likening the leadership to different Pharaohs and emphasizing the need for democratic action to bring about change.
The Israeli Defense Forces are facing threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, leading to the need for careful allocation of forces.
The author reflects on his recent visit to Israel post-10/7, where he engaged with Israeli cabbies and locals affected by the conflict, such as relatives of hostages and displaced residents.
Hamas has reported that they cannot produce 40 hostages meeting the criteria for a ceasefire deal with Israel, raising doubts about the prisoner exchange negotiations.
In the aftermath of the October 7th attacks in Gaza, Israeli documentaries like #NOVA and Bearing Witness aim to provide evidence and counter denial of the violence that occurred, particularly focusing on the killings and kidnappings by Hamas fighters.
Israel's military operation in Gaza seems to be ending prematurely due to pressure from the US and other allies, despite not achieving its war aims of destroying Hamas and rescuing hostages.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams reaffirmed his strong support for Israel during a roundtable discussion with Jewish media outlets, standing by his stance amid growing calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.
The author, Joanna Landau, reflects on the impact of ongoing conflict and ceasefire calls in Israel, emphasizing the personal and national toll of violence.
The text discusses the use of horror and humiliation as weapons in the conflict in Gaza, drawing parallels to historical events and analyzing their impact on Western and Islamic societies.
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre recently addressed a crowd at a Toronto synagogue, pledging support for Canadian Jews and criticizing the current prime minister's stance on Jewish issues.
The article discusses the Israeli drone strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza and questions the use of the term "tragedy" to describe the event, suggesting it was more a result of bureaucratic errors than malicious intent.
Larry Garber, a former USAID official, argues against shutting down the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees, emphasizing its crucial role in providing humanitarian aid in Gaza.