Tag: Gaza

In a satirical piece by Future of Jewish, various events in the Jewish world are highlighted, such as misleading news alerts regarding Hamas accepting a ceasefire, the rejection of Jewish students in the UK due to support for Israel, and protests equating support for Hamas with supporting Hitler.
The open letter urges Jewish people to be courageous like the Maccabees and fight against enemies, arguing that Palestinians have no legal claim to Israel and should be dealt a severe blow.
Nathan Thrall, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, wrote the book "A Day in the Life of Abed Salama," which offers a nuanced perspective on Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.
The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to elevate the status of the Palestine delegation, granting them the ability to submit proposals and amendments.
The State Department released a report acknowledging that Israel likely violated international law in Gaza, pointing out incidents inconsistent with humanitarian law.
The article discusses the joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony aimed at sharing grief and emphasizing the human cost of the conflict rather than focusing on death tolls and scores.
The text discusses the presence of an anti-Israel protest camp near the author's home in Oxford, where Jewish students aimed to address accusations of Israeli genocide and anti-Semitic comparisons, but were drowned out by chants of support for Palestine.
Israeli singer Eden Golan advanced to the Eurovision final despite facing protests in Malm, Sweden, due to Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
Rabbi and scholar Shlomo Brody discusses Jewish military ethics, particularly focusing on the ethics of fighting in war as seen through the Jewish tradition and the Israeli military's historical experience, in his new volume on the subject titled Ethics of Our Fighters.
After President Biden suspended the delivery of certain large bombs to Israel as it prepared to confront Hamas, there was a strong pro-Israel backlash from various leaders and organizations, including criticism from Jewish figures who have traditionally supported Democrats.
The text discusses the recent Israeli military operation in Rafah to uncover smuggling tunnels and gain control of strategic assets while acknowledging the historical challenges faced in the region, including the APC Disaster in 2004.
The video discusses the IDF's tactical precision and strategic innovations in urban warfare in Gaza, highlighting its application of international law and setting new standards in military operations, as explained by military correspondent and author Yaakov Katz during an interview.
As Israel was engaged in a military operation in Gaza following violence from Hamas, the Biden administration began discussing plans for the future once the war ends, emphasizing the need for a two-state solution.
Rabbi Jonathan Romain shares his experience attending an inter-faith conference in Qatar, where the majority of participants were from Muslim countries.
The article discusses the current situation between the U.S., Israel, and Hamas, highlighting the dynamics of diplomatic signaling and military actions.
The text discusses the complex relationship between the U.S., Israel, and key political figures like Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz.
Israeli political and military leaders are facing the possibility of international arrest warrants for alleged war crimes, particularly related to actions in Gaza.
Jewish author Nathan Thrall, Reuters, and The New York Times received Pulitzer Prizes for their coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with Thrall winning for his book on life under Israeli occupation, Reuters for photography of Hamas attacks, and The New York Times for reports on the conflict and intelligence failures of Israel.
Israel's war cabinet unanimously approved an invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza, while Hamas accepted an outline for a ceasefire deal with Israel.
Israel's war cabinet approved an invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza amidst ongoing fighting and diplomacy following Hamas's acceptance of a ceasefire deal with differing terms than Israel had proposed.
The essay criticizes mainstream media's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting common false premises perpetuated by laziness, ignorance, and racism, impacting reporting accuracy.
Columbia University's president, Nemat Shafik, released a video addressing the decision to involve New York City police in clearing protesters who occupied Hamilton Hall.
At Brown University, a peaceful encampment supporting Gaza managed to keep antisemitism at bay amidst a climate of activism and dialogue.
Student activists engaging in anti-Israel protests on college campuses are criticized for their extreme tactics and rhetoric that go beyond advocating for peace to calling for Israel's destruction.
The text discusses the Biden administration's controversial stance towards Hamas, emphasizing their protection and support for the terror group despite its actions.