Tag: Gaza

A grantmaker from the Samis Foundation visited southern Israel, including Sderot and Beeri, to meet with survivors of terror attacks and witness the aftermath.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan applied for an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, alongside Hamas leaders, for alleged violations during the conflict in Gaza.
Yahya Sinwar, a Hamas leader in Gaza, gained notoriety as a mastermind of attacks against Israel and Jews, but when he was released from an Israeli prison in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, he was not considered a threat to Israelis, given that he was in prison for the murder of Palestinians.
Aluf Benn, editor-in-chief of Haaretz, discusses the enduring political strength of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the face of criticisms and challenges in Israel.
Eli Rosenbaum, a former Nazi hunter with extensive experience prosecuting war criminals, challenges the claims of Israel committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
Despite Ms. Rachel, a popular children's entertainer on YouTube, initiating a fundraiser for Save the Children's Emergency Fund to help kids in war zones - including Gaza, which upset some Jewish and Israeli Moms for not mentioning Israeli children - the notion of selectively supporting children in need is debated among Jewish communities.
The play "October 7: In Their Own Words" brought to the stage by right-wing culture warriors, Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, focuses on Israeli survivors' accounts of the 2023 Hamas attacks in Israel.
The author discusses the importance of condemning settler violence in Israel, drawing parallels between extremist groups like Hamas and radicalized Israeli settlers.
Nicholas Freudenberg reflects on his activism at Columbia University in 1968 and offers advice to current student activists.
Jacob Magid, U.S. Bureau Chief for the Times of Israel, discusses various topics including Israel's campaign against Hamas, anti-Israel sentiment on American campuses, U.S.-Israel relations, rising antisemitism, and challenges faced as a journalist.
Five Israeli paratroopers were mistakenly killed and seven wounded by friendly fire in Gaza, highlighting an issue of accidental deaths among Israeli troops in the region.
On Israel's 76th anniversary, the Israel Defense Forces found themselves battling in the Jabalia area, resembling a prior conflict with frustrations among soldiers about revisiting the same location.
The article discusses the high child population in Gaza, where children make up nearly half of the population, a trend influenced by religious beliefs and historical factors.
The article discusses the implications of an Israel-Hamas ceasefire, highlighting concerns about Hamas remaining in power and posing threats to both Palestinians and Israelis.
In a recent New York Times column, Nicholas Kristof criticized Israel's actions in Gaza, highlighting the death of a Gazan boy due to malnutrition.
Brook Parker-Bello, a survivor of human trafficking and advocate for victims, felt a deep connection with the hostages kidnapped by Hamas following her own traumatic experiences.
Moran Stella Yanai recounts her harrowing experience of being violently kidnapped by Hamas after attending a festival in Beersheba.
The text discusses the internal political tensions within the Israeli government during the recent conflict with Hamas.
The text discusses the author's frustration with extremist individuals who perpetrate violence and harm in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly criticizing Israeli settlers who attacked an aid convoy destined for Gaza.
Israeli Independence Day celebrations this year were marked by a somber mood due to the aftermath of a devastating Hamas attack and the ongoing war in Gaza.
In the analysis of military strategies and conflicts involving Israel, the text delves into various incidents and strategic shifts.
During the Eurovision Song Contest in 2024, Israel's participation became a focal point of protests, reflecting a deep global divide over Israel and Gaza.
Israeli cabinet ministers faced heckling from protesters at memorial ceremonies across Israel on a solemn Memorial Day marred by ongoing conflicts.
The video discusses the unique challenges and shifting tactics the IDF faces in urban warfare environments, particularly in Gaza.