Tag: Gaza

The text discusses the Biden administration's controversial stance towards Hamas, emphasizing their protection and support for the terror group despite its actions.
The text discusses the persistent anti-Semitism faced by Jews globally, exemplified by the world's reaction to Israel's response to Gaza and the ongoing hatred towards living Jews and the State of Israel.
The text is a heartfelt message from Avi Kahn, an Israeli soldier and father, reflecting on the emotional turmoil of leaving his family behind to return to duty during a time of conflict with Iran.
Israeli observers, including officials and individuals, perceive protests on American campuses as driven by antisemitism rather than genuine concern for Palestinians.
This article discusses the challenges faced on college campuses during Passover, focusing on the current crisis in the Middle East and the rise of antisemitism worldwide.
This text explores the concept of sacrifice and justice through Jewish texts in the aftermath of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation for Gaza.
President Biden recently met with 4-year-old Abigail Edan, a dual American and Israeli citizen who was released after being held hostage by Hamas.
The text discusses the surge of anti-Israel protests on college campuses, fueled by student outrage over civilian casualties in the conflict with Hamas.
The Biden administration and 17 other countries, excluding Israel, with hostages in Gaza have jointly called for the immediate release of the hostages in exchange for a comprehensive ceasefire to end hostilities between Israel and Hamas, despite Israel's goal of removing Hamas from power.
During Passover Seders, a place setting was symbolically arranged for one of the 133 hostages in Gaza, highlighting the anguish and uncertainty faced during their captivity.
The article discusses the release of a propaganda video by Hamas featuring American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was captured during an attack near Gaza and had lost his hand.
The text discusses the manipulation of information and propaganda surrounding the Palestinian narrative, particularly in Gaza, emphasizing the biased portrayals of the conflict and questioning the legitimacy of certain claims made about Palestinian suffering.
Dr. Musallam Abu Khalil, a doctor working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, will be discussing life and death in Gaza during a special Zoom call.
The discussion examines the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, particularly focusing on the work of Dr. Musallam Abu Khalil, a UNRWA doctor running a primary care clinic in a refugee camp.
As Passover begins, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak acknowledges the challenging times faced by Jews in the UK and Israel, condemning recent attacks against Jews and expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself.
The essay discusses reevaluating priorities in Israel following the Hamas-led kidnappings, emphasizing the need to prioritize securing the release of Israeli hostages.
In this 18Forty Podcast episode, Rachel Goldberg-Polin shares her experience as the mother of a son, Hersh, who was kidnapped by Hamas and remains a hostage in Gaza.
Rachel Goldberg-Polin, a mother whose son Hersh was kidnapped by Hamas and remains a hostage in Gaza, discusses the challenges of celebrating Passover with missing loved ones in an episode of the 18Forty Podcast.
Families of Israeli hostages in Gaza, facing a somber Passover, are struggling to celebrate the holiday of freedom while their loved ones remain captive, with some opting for subdued seders and unique rituals to honor the missing.
Many Israeli families, including those who have loved ones held hostage, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year due to feelings of sadness and frustration over the captivity of their relatives by Hamas.
This article discusses how many Israeli families, including those with loved ones held hostage by Hamas, are finding it difficult to celebrate Passover this year, a holiday that symbolizes freedom.
The text discusses a panel where a participant grapples with feeling sympathy for both Israelis and Palestinians affected by conflict.
A mass protest erupted at Columbia University over the Israel-Hamas conflict, leading to more than 100 arrests and student suspensions.
The text discusses the concept of collective punishment in relation to the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, arguing that it might be necessary due to the support for terrorism among a significant portion of the Palestinian population.
This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instability to Pesach's promise of Divine intervention and liberation.