Tag: Haggadah

During Passover, Jews are reminded of the value of inclusion and welcoming all to learn about traditions.
At a recent Passover Seder in Laurie Shelton's family, a new tradition called "The Other Four Questions" was introduced.
Join a Jewish family as they celebrate Passover in this vlog featuring cooking, preparing for the Seder, and more.
For a quick and easy Passover preparation, Kveller offers a variety of resources and guides.
Amidst a challenging year for Israel and rising antisemitism, the celebration of Pesach carries deeper significance as parallels are drawn between historical persecution and current events.
Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, reflects on the significance of Passover, emphasizing the themes of freedom, solidarity, and compassion.
The Klezbians, an all-woman Klezmer music group in Victoria, B.C., is celebrating their 10th anniversary, having formed in 2014.
As Passover approaches, the heavy atmosphere of recent events weighs on many Jewish minds, with concerns ranging from anti-Semitism to conflicts in the Middle East.
Pesach's story of hope and redemption, as depicted in the Haggadah, has always been a source of strength for the Jewish people.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik delves into the Haggadah's political significance, suggesting it can be seen as a key work of Jewish political thought due to its exploration of themes like freedom, oppression, covenant, constitution, state, society, law, and national aspirations.
Rabbi Judah the Prince proposed the acronym Dtzakh Adash Bachav to summarize the ten plagues in the Haggadah, prompting diverse interpretations through the ages.
Vice President Harry S. Truman delivered a Passover address in 1945, praising Jewish contributions to ethics and expressing gratitude for their resilience and support for oppressed minorities.
The Passover Seder, a night of questions and reflections, takes place against the backdrop of current events, such as Israel's conflict with Hamas, making intergenerational gatherings more charged.
The text discusses various perspectives on Pesach from a rationalist viewpoint, covering topics such as the size of a kezayis, the significance of eating matzah, and the debates around traditional practices.
Holocaust survivors' descendants, Hilda and Sharon, who had roots in the same Polish town, Radom, bonded over their shared history and embarked on a journey to reconnect with their past.
Rabbi Lara Haft Yom Tov reflects on the traditional Passover declaration "Let all who are hungry come and eat," emphasizing its call to feed the hungry.
The writer expresses initial anger and hurt upon a relative declining to attend the family seder due to discomfort with traditional texts and intentions, feeling conflicted about the rejection of a beloved tradition but reflecting on the nature of family traditions and adaptation.
Tech entrepreneur Martin Moshal has commissioned an opulent haggadah for his Seder in Sydney, featuring intricate designs with various metals and precious metals, innovative techniques, and black and white illustrations reminiscent of early printing plates.
In this piece, Mark Charendoff reflects on the concept of history as explored by Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History?" and its relevance to current events in the Jewish context.
In episode 408 of Unorthodox, the focus is on addressing food insecurity, both in Israel and globally.
The article emphasizes the importance of including the stories of enslaved Jewish women in the Passover Seder narrative, focusing on the challenges faced by these women during the Exodus from Egypt.
The article discusses hosting a Seder when participants strongly disagree about the war in Israel.
Amidst disagreements over Israel and heightened emotions, the Passover Seder offers a platform to navigate differing perspectives and foster empathy.
The author reflects on the current state of Israel, likening the leadership to different Pharaohs and emphasizing the need for democratic action to bring about change.
Author Naama Ben-David has created the Unofficial Taylor Swift Haggadah, inspired by her daughter's admiration for the pop icon.