Tag: Hasidic

Every year on Lag BaOmer, hundreds of thousands of Jews make a pilgrimage to Meron in Northern Israel to celebrate the Hilula de-Rashbi, honoring Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, known as Rashbi.
Chef Rossi, raised in a lowly Orthodox Jewish home in New Jersey, rebelled in her youth and was sent to live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, with a Chabad rabbi due to perceived bad influences.
Matisyahu, the reggae artist known for incorporating Judaism into his music, has accused consecutive venues of canceling his shows because of antisemitism.
The rise in antisemitism is a real concern, but the media often exaggerates or misrepresents incidents involving Jews.
In this article, the author addresses the renewed interest in Orthodox Judaism, particularly the Talmud, due to recent events.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a renowned Jewish theologian, had a casual family visit with the author's parents in 1959.
Chana Raskin, a woman from a Hasidic background, is releasing an album called "Kapelya" featuring Hasidic niggunim (wordless Jewish melodies) sung in a woman's voice.
"You Be You: The Kids Guide to Gender, Sexuality and Family," a book originally published in English in 2019, has now been translated into Yiddish.
As Yom Kippur approaches, the author reflects on the challenge of forgiving others, particularly when they show no remorse or apologize.
Eric Adams, a leading candidate running for mayor of New York City, recently toured a Brooklyn yeshiva that had been under investigation for inadequate secular education standards.
In episode 163 of the podcast "Out of Bounds," two interviews are featured.
In "The Apology Episode: 5779 Edition: Ep. 150" of Unorthodox, the podcast explores the theme of apologizing during the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Abby Stein, a transgender activist who was raised in a Hasidic family in Williamsburg, sheds light on the historical support for transgender individuals by Hasidic sages dating back 200 years.
"The Chosen" by Chaim Potok is a compelling novel about the friendship between two Jewish boys in Brooklyn during World War II.
Miriam, a young girl, desires a dog for Hanukkah despite her Hasidic-leaning family's disapproval.
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad representatives in the United States.
Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapira of Warsaw is recognized for his student-centered approach to education, emphasizing the individual's spiritual potential, in contrast to Dewey's child-centric educational philosophy.
Andy Statman's latest double CD album "Old Brooklyn" showcases his musical versatility as he seamlessly moves between bluegrass, blues, klezmer, Hasidic, and rock genres.
Frances Alenikoff, a dancer who passed away at 91, was known for her unique fusion of Israeli, Hasidic, Russian, and Afro-Caribbean influences in her performances with her company Aviv.