Tag: Healthcare

In "On Call Chapter 10: People I Know," Ayala Rubin, an ER doctor, reflects on the emotional challenges of treating familiar faces like Nora, a coworker diagnosed with an inoperable tumor, and Rabbi Weiss, a neighbor experiencing a heart issue.
Hadassah Medical Organization staff members exemplified heroism by aiding terror attack victims in Jerusalem, reflecting the ongoing cycle of calm and violence in Jewish life.
"Why I am grateful to Ady Barkan: a man who always told it straight" is an article written by Nicholas Bruckman about his experience filming the documentary "Not Going Quietly" featuring progressive activist Ady Barkan.
Rabbi Jason Weiner, a chaplain at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, explores the intersection of medical protocols and Jewish values in his book "Care and Covenant: A Jewish Bioethic of Responsibility."
The article discusses the current state of the Democratic Party in the United States and offers suggestions on how they can become the national majority party.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Galilee Medical Center in Israel has transformed to handle infected patients, with dedicated areas and strict safety protocols for medical staff.
Holocaust survivors in Israel, like 92-year-old Rosa Zuta, have faced challenges accessing government assistance despite Germany providing billions in reparations.