Tag: Independence

The text discusses the delicate balance between parental involvement and children's independence, particularly in the context of newlyweds and their families.
A video showcasing a summer kosher Costco haul for a large Jewish family, emphasizing empowering kids to grab their own snacks.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a mother during her sons' weddings, expressing both happiness and a sense of identity crisis.
Artist Mindy Stricke grappled with how to support her daughter, Noa, as she prepared for her bat mitzvah.
In Chapter 10 of "Trust Fund," Akiva is feeling lost and uncertain about his future.
The article discusses the theme of family ties and the impact they can have on one's sense of identity and freedom.
The current problem with child-rearing culture is not the participation trophy mentality, but the excessive amount of adult supervision and intervention in children's lives.
The article argues that Britain can learn several important lessons from Israel.
The Forward, with a history of over 120 years and a new digital approach, envisions a united global Jewish community promoting justice, truth, and compassion.
The article delves into how the traditional role of Jewish mothers, characterized by self-sacrifice and high expectations, has evolved in modern times.