Tag: Interfaith Marriage

The author reflects on their Jewish upbringing and the impact of a conflict between their passion for baseball and the requirement to attend Confirmation class in high school, showing lingering resentment towards their parents for forcing them to leave baseball practices for class.
The Conservative/Masorti movement is changing its approach to interfaith marriage, according to a new report issued by the Rabbinical Assembly.
Congregation Shirat Hayam, a Conservative synagogue in Swampscott, Massachusetts, has hired Cantor Sarah Freudenberger, who is permitted to officiate interfaith weddings.
The article discusses the concept of "Jewish late bloomers" – individuals who come to embrace their Judaism and Jewish identity later in life than expected.
For a Jewish woman married to a Muslim man wondering how to raise their son, an Orthodox perspective underscores the importance of following Jewish teachings and nurturing the child's Jewish identity based on their Jewish mother, while a Progressive view suggests a flexible approach that separates religious status, identity, and education to allow the child to feel at home in both faiths.
Bill Pinkney, a Jewish sailor and the first African American to sail around the world solo, passed away at the age of 87.
The ban on Conservative rabbis officiating at interfaith weddings will remain in place, according to the Rabbinical Assembly's standards committee.
Non-Jewish spouses in interfaith marriages have varying levels of connection to Judaism and the Jewish community.
The Bonjour Chai team dedicates an episode to the discussion of interfaith marriage, exploring varying viewpoints within Judaism on the matter.
In this personal reflection, the author shares her experiences growing up as a mixed-race child with survivor grandparents.
The author recounts her childhood desire for a Christmas tree and her parents' insistence that as Jews, they do not have Christmas trees.
The author reflects on the significance of Shabbat dinner in their childhood, which became less important after their father's death.
The author, who was raised as a devout Catholic, recounts their journey to finding Judaism in an unlikely place - Helena, Montana.
The letter writer, a Jewish grandmother, is heartbroken because her daughter plans to baptize her granddaughter.
The Conservative and Reform movements in Judaism have been becoming more similar for years, and now with the coronavirus pandemic, another difference between them has been erased.
"God Is in the Crowd" by Tal Keinan delves into the complex issues facing Jewish communities today, touching on topics like the decline of American Jewry due to intermarriage, and the ideological challenges within Israeli society.
A former rabbi shares his family's experience and decision to hold a secular wedding for their daughter who married a non-Jew, despite their observant Jewish background.
In the film "The Week Of," Adam Sandler takes on the role of Kenny Lustig, a struggling working-class Jewish father preparing for his daughter's interfaith wedding to a wealthy black family.
Danya Shults, the founder of Arq, a platform inspired by Jewish culture, discusses how her interfaith marriage led her to create a space for people to engage with Jewish life in a relevant and inclusive way.
In this personal essay, a convert to Judaism grapples with her love for Christmas traditions and how to navigate celebrating them while being Jewish.
The text discusses various aspects of Jewish observance and identity.
In "Til Faith Do Us Part," Naomi Schaefer Riley explores the trend of interfaith marriages in America, highlighting the challenges and benefits that come with such unions.