Tag: Intersectionality

The text highlights how liberal American Jews have overlooked the mainstream presence of anti-Zionism within progressive circles, particularly on college campuses like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which merges diverse leftist ideologies.
Rabbis Sandra Lawson and Deborah Waxman discuss the importance of embracing complexity and diversity within the Jewish community, highlighting the marginalization of Sephardic, Mizrahi, Black, and brown Jewish narratives.
The text discusses the concept of the "Photo-Negative Ideology," where myths and narratives are used to justify violence and discrimination against others in the name of progress or protection of certain groups.
Lucy Biggers, a former social media producer, reflects on her role in promoting the "omnicause" through viral content creation, where various social justice issues were bundled together for maximum impact.
The author argues against shutting down student protests for Palestine, emphasizing that university is a time for students to develop and express their opinions, even if they may seem misguided.
The article highlights the rise of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment on U.S. college campuses post-Oct.
In response to the rise in campus antisemitism, there is a call to combat it more effectively by understanding the well-funded anti-Israel forces at play.
Young adult novels like "Cool for the Summer" and "Miss You Love You Hate You Bye" are reshaping the depiction of Jewish teens in literature by offering diverse representations that go beyond historical or religious contexts.
US Representative Ritchie Torres discusses how the BDS movement has perverted the progressive cause and addresses the issue of antisemitism within the movement in this video.
Representative Ritchie Torres, a progressive from New York, shares his unique journey as a supporter of Israel, despite his upbringing in poverty and lack of exposure to Jewish communities.
Intersectionality has led to a complex support for Palestine within various social justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter, due to the belief in a social binary dividing oppressed and oppressor groups, the understanding of whiteness as a fluid social construct benefiting those classified as white, and a commitment to solidarity in liberation struggles.
The article discusses how the Palestinian cause has been tied to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement by left-wing activists.
This 2016 article explores the convergence of the Black Lives Matter movement and the Palestinian cause.
The article discusses the current challenges facing Jewish students in higher education, particularly in the United States.
The article discusses the activities and beliefs of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a group that aims to achieve Palestinian liberation and connects it with other social justice causes.
The author recounts their personal experience of witnessing Jewish speakers promoting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel from the pulpit of their Conservative synagogue.
The article discusses the rise of antisemitism in academia, specifically on college campuses.
The author, who comes from a Black-Jewish background, reflects on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and their struggle to respond in a way that acknowledges the multiple truths at the center of the conflict.
The author discusses their observations of a pervasive ideology that has infiltrated American institutions over the past two decades.
In this article, the author, a gay Black Jew, expresses his feelings of abandonment by allies he has supported for years.
Stop Being Shocked Once and for All is an article that highlights the systematic erosion of institutions and the rise of dangerous ideologies in America.
The author, who identifies as both African American and Jewish American, expresses their struggle in the face of recent events related to Israel and Palestine.
In his book "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics and wokeness.
In his book, "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics or "wokeness."
The success of the film Oppenheimer has sparked interest in the history of the making of the atomic bomb and American radicalism, but there are important aspects being overlooked.