Tag: Israel Hamas Conflict

Canadian cyclist Leah Goldstein, who made history as the first woman to win a 3,000-mile bike race across the United States, was removed as the keynote speaker at an International Women's Day event in Ontario due to her past service in the Israeli army.
President Joe Biden is facing criticism from both supporters and opponents of Israel for his handling of the conflict with Hamas, with some Democrats pushing for a more critical stance on Israel, leading to tensions within the party.
The article discusses a controversy at Camp Tawonga, a Jewish summer camp in California, regarding a letter signed by campers, parents, and staff urging the camp to support a cease-fire in Gaza.
President Joe Biden has announced that the United States will condition defense assistance on not impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid, addressing a point of tension between the US and Israeli governments during the Gaza war.
President Biden's visit to New York City resulted in conflicting demonstrations by Jewish groups regarding his stance on Israel.
This article discusses various aspects of the Israel-Palestine conflict, highlighting the complexities and biases surrounding it.
A swim team in Jerusalem, consisting of both Israeli and Palestinian members, had always avoided discussing politics in order to foster unity.
The NYPD reported 31 antisemitic hate crimes in January, continuing a surge in anti-Jewish incidents that began four months ago after the Hamas invasion of Israel.
The discussion this week covers various aspects of Israel's current situation, including updates on the military campaign in Gaza, a possible hostage-release deal, tensions with Hizballah in the north, debates on resettling Gaza, UNRWA's involvement in recent attacks, and calls for the U.S. to support a two-state solution.
Supporters of the Vote Ceasefire campaign, which aimed to get voters to write "ceasefire" on the ballot in protest of President Biden's support for Israel during the conflict with Hamas, claimed a victory in the New Hampshire primary with 1,500 write-ins.
During a recent debate among the top candidates for California's open Senate seat, Barbara Lee, Katie Porter, and Adam Schiff, all progressive Democrats, showed some differences in their views on Israel.
This 2016 article explores the convergence of the Black Lives Matter movement and the Palestinian cause.
Abeer Ayyoub, a Palestinian journalist who now lives in Istanbul, is seeking help for her sister, Yasmine, who wants to leave Gaza.
In a special edition of the Haaretz Podcast, the editorial team asked readers their pressing questions about the Israel-Hamas conflict.
An anonymous Jewish student at Occidental College in Los Angeles has decided not to return for the spring semester due to the anti-Israel and antisemitic views expressed by much of the student body and faculty following a Hamas terror attack on Israel.
A new poll conducted by the Arab American Institute reveals that voters' support for politicians in the 2024 elections may be influenced by their response to the Israel-Hamas war.
As the Israel-Hamas war appears to enter a new phase, discussions led by IPF Atid Director Shanie Reichman with journalist Neri Zilber touch on the recent developments, including the reported assassination of a senior Hamas official, the return of Israeli military reservists, the situation of Israeli hostages, and the High Court's decision regarding the reasonableness law.
Doctors Against Genocide, an organization opposing the war in Gaza, canceled their planned gathering at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., after accusations of antisemitism.
The article discusses the recent reactions to the massacre of Fatah leadership and argues that Palestinian leaders are playing dangerous games by considering integrating Hamas into the Palestinian Authority.
Ari Kelman, a professor of Jewish studies at Stanford University, resigned from his role as co-chair of the university's committee to fight antisemitism after being attacked by a group of alumni and anonymous students who questioned his effectiveness due to his past links to non- or anti-Zionist groups.
The article discusses the conflict in Gaza and asserts that Israel is not to blame for the high number of Palestinian casualties.
The Jewish community in Victoria, B.C. is feeling unsafe going downtown on weekends since October 7, amidst tensions related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Dr. Yoel Guzansky, a former member of Israel's National Security Council and a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies, warns that the Houthis, an Islamist rebel group in Yemen, are becoming a major strategic threat to Israel.
Several Harvard students involved in pro-Palestine activities on campus, including leading walkouts and protests, are now facing disciplinary action by the school's Administrative Board.
In this week's Antisemitism Monitor, division among European leaders regarding their support for Israel is discussed.