Tag: Jewish Communities

The letter signed by prominent Sephardic rabbis in Israel, including members of Shas, opposes the drafting of yeshiva students into the army, highlighting a shift in the traditionally accepted arrangements regarding military service for Haredi Jews.
Jewish life for teens in small communities from Iceland to Beijing involves navigating unique challenges such as heightened antisemitism and limited Jewish resources.
The essay highlights concerns about rising antisemitism globally, with a focus on Western countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada, and Argentina.
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, a prominent figure in Chabad-Lubavitch and vice chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, passed away at 74, leaving a significant legacy in expanding Chabad's global outreach through establishing Chabad Houses worldwide, including on over 230 campuses through the Chabad on Campus International Foundation.
Malka Simkovich responds to Yonatan Adler's work on the origins of Judaism, expressing concerns over Adler's focus on social practices over intellectual ideas in defining Jewish identity.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is backing a bill in New York that aims to penalize charities supporting Israeli settlements, citing human rights concerns in the region.
Arvin Ghahremani, an Iranian Jew sentenced to death for a murder during a street fight, received a one-month stay of execution following a global pressure campaign and calls for prayer in Jewish communities worldwide.
The essay discusses the challenging political decisions facing Diaspora Jews, particularly in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and France.
The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) had a traditional role in uniting Jewish communities around centrist-to-liberal issues until disagreements over topics such as the Iran nuclear deal and Black Lives Matter caused fractures.
The Israel/Palestinian conflict has its core in historical events dating back to the early 20th century, when Jewish refugees sought a homeland in Palestine, which was met with resistance by the local Arab population.
Theodore Steinberg reflects on the significance of Yizkor Books, which are collections of essays and photographs created by Jewish landsmanshaftn to remember the Jewish communities destroyed during the Holocaust.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul is pushing to expand the definition of hate crimes by adding 31 offenses to the existing list in response to a rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia.
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, used to handle halachic questions himself but due to the high volume of inquiries, he now oversees a team of rabbanim who respond to around 1,800 daily calls on a halachic hotline, often following his rulings closely.
Ira Sheskin, a renowned American Jewish demographer, developed a technique using 29 distinctive Jewish last names to identify Jewish populations in surveys, avoiding the expense of widespread outreach.
The article discusses the history and preparation of a wild blueberry and almond babka loaf, a sweet braided bread that originated in Jewish communities of Poland and Ukraine and became popular in New York delis.
Purim celebrations in Israel and worldwide were influenced by ongoing war and the captivity of Israeli soldiers in Gaza.
Tens of thousands of Jews worldwide participated in a collective recitation of the Shema prayer in support of over 130 Israeli hostages held by Hamas.
Jewish communities worldwide have a tradition of putting on plays associated with various holidays, with the Purim play holding a special place.
In August 2015, the author visited the Village, a performing arts school near Gaza in Israel, to paint and support talented young musicians in the region.
The text discusses the importance of education in Jewish communities, particularly regarding Jewish identity, Zionism, and Israel education.
In response to criticism over a police officer advising a Jewish man to hide his Star of David during a pro-Palestinian march in Edinburgh due to safety concerns, the author, with a background in both defending and prosecuting, argues that blaming the police is misplaced.
The article responds to a podcast discussion claiming that American Judaism is boring.
This article provides a list of Jewish-Slavic baby names that reflect the heritage of European Jews who come from or still live in Slavic-speaking countries such as Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Serbia.
Ahead of Tu BiShvat, Israelis and Jews worldwide planted trees in memory of the victims of the Oct. 7 massacre at the Nova festival in which Hamas terrorists killed 360 people.
70 Faces Media, the parent company of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, will be hosting the Jewish Digital Summit 2024, a three-day virtual conference in February aimed at helping Jewish professionals in the digital world.