Tag: Jewish Communities

In the podcast episode "Threading the Needle: Ep. 350" of Unorthodox, the hosts feature Ashley McKinless and Zac Davis from the Jesuitical podcast as their gentiles of the week, discussing Lent rituals and sharing the Rootless Cosmopolitans recipe.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts listen and respond to listener feedback on previous episodes on Romance & Commitment and the Origins of Judaism.
This text discusses the chaotic state of kashrut supervision in early 20th-century America that led to the establishment of the Orthodox Union's (OU) kosher certification.
"Demystifying Differences Between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews" by Rabbi Haim Jachter provides a comprehensive exploration of the different practices and customs between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews.
"Unorthodox Goes Across the JEW.S.A." is a new segment of the podcast Unorthodox that aims to explore and highlight interesting Jewish communities throughout the United States.
This episode of Unorthodox explores various aspects of Sukkot, the Jewish holiday that involves shaking the lulav and etrog.
In this podcast episode, Evan Bernstein, CEO and national director of The Community Security Service, discusses the importance of volunteer-led protection in synagogues and Jewish events.
The texts in question cover a range of topics related to Jewish history, literature, and culture.
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is expected to lead to a significant wave of immigration to Israel, similar to the influx witnessed in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The author argues that for Jews seeking a vibrant Jewish life, Los Angeles is currently surpassing New York.
Los Angeles has seen significant changes in its Jewish community in recent years.
Rabbi Joseph Karasick was a visionary leader who dedicated his life to strengthening Orthodox Judaism in the United States and globally.
The article discusses the need for the Jewish community to embrace and improve the conversion process in order to sustain vibrant Jewish communities.
William Shatner, known for his role as Captain Kirk in Star Trek, is reportedly set to go to space on Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin.
In her book "People Love Dead Jews," author Dara Horn explores the strange fascination Western society has with Jews, particularly when they are dead.
Syrian Jews originate from different communities with distinct cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz's appointment as the Rabbi of Frankfurt, a significant Jewish community, is explored in this episode.
The article discusses the experiences of women who observe the laws of family purity (taharat hamishpahah) and their use of the mikveh during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The leading Democratic candidates running for mayor of New York City are mostly opposed to the BDS movement, with seven out of eight candidates saying they would consider visiting Israel if elected.
The author discusses the concept of tehum shabbat, which determines the range of permitted walking for Jews on Shabbat.
The author discusses a trend among Orthodox Jews towards supporting and excusing President Donald Trump, even in the face of his immoral behavior and shortcomings.
Contemporary Judaism is characterized by both stability and diversity.
Rabbi Mendy Chitrik embarked on a 3000-mile journey across Anatolia, Turkey, this summer to inspect nearly 300 kosher factories, which produce various kosher products like milk powder and dried fruit.
AJC (American Jewish Committee) and the National Urban League are partnering to designate the week of September 7th as Black-Jewish Unity Week.
The Crusades were devastating for Jewish communities in Europe, particularly in Germany.