Tag: Jewish Cultural Heritage

This Passover, the timing of the holiday offers a rare opportunity for a family vacation without inflated prices.
The Russian Jewish poet Lev Semyonovich Rubinstein, who passed away at the age of 76, experienced the ongoing persecution and discrimination against Jews in Russia.
The Biblical Museum of Natural History emphasizes that every culture has animals that are significant in its heritage.
Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors were expelled from Spain in 1492, have maintained their cultural and historical identity through oral history, community organizations, and connections with extended family in countries like Turkey and Argentina.
Amid Falling Walls is a theatrical production that showcases songs written during the Holocaust in ghettos, clandestine nightclubs, and concentration camps.
The author is excited about the upcoming publication of their book, "Portico: Cooking and Feasting in Rome's Jewish Kitchen," which explores the history of Rome's Jewish community and includes recipes and stories from the community.
Alison Darcy and Joseph Shragge, co-artistic directors of Scapegoat Carnivale in Montreal, premiered their puppet show Vertip in March 2023, featuring a puppeteer using stereotypical puppets including a Jewish loan shark named Zyhd from old Eastern European traditions.
76-year-old Annie Gottlieb and her 98-year-old mother, Jean, collaborated for five years to publish a family memoir titled "Braided Generations: The Living, the Lost, and the Power of Belonging."
Yisroel Leshes, assistant cantor of New York's Lincoln Square Synagogue, has released a jazzy version of Morris Winchevsky's Yiddish song, "Di Tsukunft" (The Future).
In this article, the author shares a personal connection to her Sephardic grandmother through a recipe for spinach frittata, known as fritada espinaca.
ANU, the newly opened Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, aims to explore Jewish identity and celebrate the contributions of Jews to humanity.
Jamie Geller shares nostalgic memories and diverse culinary influences that shaped her love for traditional Jewish foods in a Rosh Hashanah-themed piece.