Tag: Jewish Education

In this article, Rabbi Moshe Hauer explores the importance of thinking big in religious life.
Stacey Goldman, a Jewish educator and philanthropist, has been inspired to bring her teaching online and reach a wider audience after recording her first shiur for the OU Women's Initiative.
In a letter responding to an article about Shadal, the translator/editor of Shadal on Leviticus asserts that Shadal did consider himself Orthodox, despite his disagreements with certain traditional practices.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, discusses the concept of Providence/Hashgaa in the second part of a four-part episode.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the relationship between God and the Jewish people in a four-part episode.
The author explores the possibility of Modern Orthodox kiruv (outreach) and its potential to combat the assimilation and loss of Jewish identity in today's world.
This article explores the role of education in reproducing social norms and promoting social change, particularly in relation to identity politics and the Jewish community.
Club Z is a Zionist club for Russian-speaking American Jewish teens that was founded by Masha Merkulova.
In "Tosafists & their Meta-Halakhic Agenda" by R. Chaim Rapoport, the author explores the intellectual agenda of the Tosafists, a group of medieval Jewish commentators, and their approach to halakhah (Jewish law).
The article discusses the transformative power of Jewish summer camps in shaping the Jewish identity of young campers.
In the "Letters" section of the Summer 21 issue, multiple readers express their thoughts on various topics.
Sora and Jerry Wolasky have been deeply involved in the NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth) for decades, starting as young volunteers in Norfolk, Virginia.
In this podcast episode, the importance and benefits of Torah study are explored.
The article discusses the recent Pew Research Center report on American Jewish identity and criticizes its omission of Yiddish.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the discussion revolves around the portrayal of happy endings in the Tanakh.
In this episode, the discussion focuses on the historical legacy of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok as a key defender of the Jewish people.
In this episode of the Unorthodox podcast, Liel and Mark are joined by author Walter Isaacson, known for his biographies of Steve Jobs and Leonardo da Vinci.
In this reflection on the sixth anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, the author expresses sadness that Rabbi Lichtenstein is no longer alive to guide and inspire others.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Hebrew schools, leading to changes in teaching approaches, smaller classes, and shorter virtual sessions.
In this video lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he discusses the principles found in the writings of Maimonides (Rambam).
The author reflects on the meaningful questions asked by children, such as whether God wears pyjamas or if we are images in God's dream.
"Life in Learning" is a book that explores the world of Orthodox Jewish yeshivas and the significance of Torah study in Jewish life.
TanakhCast #205 explores the challenge of interpreting and understanding complex texts in the Tanakh.
The TORCH fundraiser is taking place and donations made will be tripled.
In this episode of the TORAH 101 podcast, the question of whether there is evidence for the divinity of the Torah is examined.