Tag: Jewish Education

In this podcast, the speaker discusses the objective of the Messiah in Jewish belief.
This text discusses the controversy surrounding the figure of the Rambam (Maimonides) in Jewish history, questioning whether he was the most controversial person in Jewish history and exploring the reasons behind this controversy.
In this article, Nathaniel Helfgot discusses two important aspects of being a rabbi or Jewish educator that are not often emphasized in rabbinical training.
Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, known for his extraordinary level of chesed and mastery of Torah knowledge, was a respected figure in the Jewish community.
Several letters in this issue of Jewish Action address the topic of the teacher shortage in Jewish day schools.
In this article, Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph reflects on his personal journey of learning and education.
The author highlights the value of bringing Jewish teens from different religious backgrounds together to study Torah and build connections.
Orthodox Jewish women are using Instagram to educate and validate practitioners of taharat ha-mishpahah, the Jewish laws of family purity.
Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo discusses the intersection of Halakha (Jewish law) and contemporary science, focusing specifically on the topic of sunset.
Rabbanit Rachael Turkienicz, winner of the Great Canadian Sermon Slam, discusses Jewish education, the struggle of women in religious scholarship, and leads a learning session on the Torah portion Bereshit.
The wimpel, a strip of fabric used as a Torah binder, is a centuries-old Jewish custom that originated in Bavaria and spread to other German-speaking communities.
The article tells the story of Maks Levin, a war photographer who was killed by Russian soldiers during the war in Ukraine.
The New York Times published an article called "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money," which claimed that hasidic Jewish religious schools in New York receive a significant amount of government funding but provide poor secular education, practice corporal punishment, and evade outside oversight.
Eli Spitzer, a columnist and hasidic educator, discusses the New York Times' controversial article on hasidic schools in greater New York.
Shayna Goldberg's book "What Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear in Decision Making at Lifes Crossroads and in Everyday Living" analyzes the difficulties people face in making decisions today and provides practical guidance for making the best decisions based on trust rather than fear.
The American Orthodox Jewish community has faced numerous challenges throughout its history, including economic struggles, dislocation, religious illiteracy, and discrimination.
The article highlights the importance of multi-generational involvement in the Teach Coalition, a Jewish advocacy organization focused on education and school choice.
Journalist Liel Leibovitz discusses a critical piece in The New York Times focusing on Hasidic schools in New York state, criticizing its inaccuracies and biases.
In this podcast, the mechanics of the afterlife are explored, including the purging of the soul and what happens in purgatory.
The article announces the upcoming third season of the podcast "Hebrew School," a game show for kids, as summer comes to an end and school begins.
In this Shiur (lecture), the question of adhering to all school rules and signing the school handbook is discussed.
In a recent editorial meeting by The Canadian Jewish News (CJN), the staff discussed Jewish education, pondering if children enjoy it, receive a superior education compared to public schools, and if the expense is justifiable.
In this shiur (Jewish lesson), Rabbi Berach Steinfeld, Mr. Shuli Halpert, and Mr. Yosef Shidler discuss the issue of discriminatory school acceptance policies and their impact on children.
This roundtable discussion includes a diverse group of Orthodox women, with differing views on topics such as women as clergy, social media, and modesty.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein shares additional insights about Rav Yitzchak Hutner, their mutual teacher.