Tag: Jewish Education

The symposium explores the idea of Torah u-Madda, the integration of Torah and secular studies in Modern Orthodox Judaism.
The author announces the birth of their baby boy and expresses gratitude to God for their blessing.
In this episode of TORAH 101, the discussion focuses on the nature of the human soul.
The article explores how technology, specifically social media, is affecting the social skills and well-being of Jewish teenagers.
In this article, a middle school student named Sarah expresses her desire for a smartphone, as many of her friends already have one.
The pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of children, and it is important for parents to create a positive and resilient environment at home.
Gratitude is an important skill that can be nurtured in children.
Rabbi Leib Kelemen summarizes the advice of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, a master educator, on raising confident and emotionally strong children.
Dr. David Pelcovitz, an expert in parenting and child psychology, discusses the traits of mentally healthy children, emphasizing the importance of emotional regulation and strong connections.
The author of the first text emphasizes the importance of making Torah Judaism relatable and inspiring in order to keep students engaged and prevent them from opting out of the frum community as adults.
The discussion revolves around the importance of instilling a lifelong passion for Yiddishkeit (Judaism) in children.
In this article, three individuals discuss the topic of outreach and combating assimilation in the Jewish community.
In this article, three Jewish leaders discuss the importance of outreach and combating assimilation within the Jewish community.
In this collection of letters from the Spring 2022 issue of Jewish Action, various topics are discussed.
The fear of Orthodox parents is that their child will reject Torah and leave the community.
The OU Womens Initiative (WI) celebrated the culmination of its first two-year Nach Yomi cycle, with community events and siyumim in the US and Israel.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel, a prominent Jewish scholar, explores the relationship between the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and superstition in this article.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses HaRambam's Introduction to Pereq Heleq (Part 1).
In this episode of TanakhCast, the focus is on the topic of translation.
This episode discusses how Spinoza's level of Jewish education affected his understanding of traditional Jewish texts.
This text appears to be a brief introduction to Samuel David Luzzatto, also known as Shadal, who was an Italian Jewish scholar, poet, and member of the Wissenschaft des Judentums movement.
This episode examines Spinoza's Jewish education, questioning whether he reached a level of understanding to read and analyze Shas and if he interacted with Rabbi Menashe ben Israel.
The book "Transatlantic Russian Jewishness: Ideological Voyages of the Yiddish Daily Forverts in the First Half of the Twentieth Century" by Gennady Estraikh explores the history of the Forverts, a Yiddish newspaper, and its editor Abraham Cahan.
This episode discusses the Jewish educational system in Amsterdam during Spinoza's time, highlighting a six-grade system for students aged seven to twenty-one and comparing it to modern educational systems.
The author reflects on the findings of a survey on Jewish Americans and the decline in Orthodox Jewish identification.