Tag: Jewish Festivals

The text discusses fashion trends for Sederim and spring, highlighting the importance of versatile pieces suitable for various occasions.
The author expresses dread and humor about the laborious task of cleaning for Pesach, highlighting the challenges of ensuring the home is chametz-free for Passover.
Pesach can feel like a kitchen-driven servitude with endless cooking.
This article discusses the internal struggles many Jews are facing this Pesach, with tensions around festivals like Purim and Simchat Torah in light of recent events in Israel.
Eden Primary in Muswell Hill has achieved an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies, particularly noted for its innovative outdoor education program which integrates Jewish teachings with nature.
Rabbi Sacks' popular Covenant & Conversation essays on the weekly Torah portion, originally an email series and now in book form, have been released in a family edition by Rabbi Daniel Rose to foster inter-generational learning.
Shemini Atzeret, a festival often overshadowed by Simchat Torah, is described as a paradox, lacking specific customs but providing a creative opportunity for personal celebration.
The Chabad-Lubavitch movement has been reaching out to Jews in remote areas of Australia since the 1980s through its Chabad of RARA (Regional and Rural Australia) branch.
The Chabad-Lubavitch movement has been reaching out to Jews living in rural and remote areas of Australia since the 1980s through its Chabad of RARA (Regional and Rural Australia) branch.
This article discusses the author's experience of blending Chinese and Jewish traditions for Rosh Hashanah by making Chinese date paste cookies shaped like fish.
The text highlights the significant role of family memories in making Jewish festivals special and meaningful.
This article discusses the differences between observing Tisha B'Av in the Northern Hemisphere, where it falls during the summer, and in the Southern Hemisphere, where it falls during the winter.
Canadian Jewish festival season is in full swing, prompting questions about who these events cater to and who attends.
The article discusses the tradition of "Little Purims" within Jewish communities, which are local festivals commemorating miraculous events similar to Purim.
In the essay "Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow" by Zach Truboff, the author reflects on his personal experience of loss and grief after his twins were diagnosed with a rare disease and passed away.
The text explores the meaning of "peri etz hadar," a term in Leviticus 23:40 referring to a fruit to be taken on Sukkot.