Tag: Jewish Leadership

In Parshat Reeh, the Torah warns against following false prophets who claim to have secret knowledge.
The Shalom Task Force, an organization dedicated to combating domestic violence in the Jewish community, has recognized the need to involve teens in preventing intimate partner violence (IPV).
Jewish camps have a significant impact on shaping the Jewish community, helping to create a deep commitment to Jewish identity, lifelong friendships, and future Jewish leaders.
In this piece from Moment Magazine, readers share their diverse opinions on Israel and its significance in Jewish history.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik has published a new book, "Providence and Power: Ten Portraits in Jewish Statesmanship," which aims to do for the Jews what Plutarch did for the ancient Greeks and Romans with his parallel lives.
In his book "Providence and Power: Ten Portraits in Jewish Statesmanship," Rabbi Meir Soloveichik draws inspiration from the ancient Greek and Roman tradition of paired biographies by Plutarch to explore Jewish leadership throughout history.
This episode discusses the process of Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Liozna becoming the founder of Chabad Chassidus.
In episode 370 of Unorthodox, the podcast delves into the topic of name changes, exploring the truth behind the myth of name changes at Ellis Island.
Nancy Greer, the current CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, will be retiring this fall and will be succeeded by Solly Kane, the executive director of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Camps.
In a discussion about assessing the success of a country like Israel at 75 years, Daniel Gordis explores key components such as leadership, morality, and the complexities of governance.
Dr. Mandell "Mendy" Ganchrow, former president of the Orthodox Union (OU), passed away in 2022.
The discussion revolves around the importance of instilling a lifelong passion for Yiddishkeit (Judaism) in children.
The article highlights the importance of visionary leadership in Judaism.
The structure of Jewish communal life is creating barriers for rabbis to become visionary leaders, hindering their ability to address moral challenges and opportunities.
In this publisher's note, the author reflects on the mission and goals of Sapir, a publication focused on Jewish communal leaders and the future of the Jewish community.
The article discusses the significance of the Shabbat Hanukkah piyyut (liturgical poem) called Shnei Zeitim, which was written in the eleventh century by Solomon ibn Gabirol.
The main points of this text can be summarized as follows: The threats to Jewish continuity include assimilation, antisemitism, intermarriage, apathy, and ignorance.
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, played a significant role in opposing Napoleon Bonaparte during his invasion of Russia in 1812.
Isaac Abravanel, a prominent Sephardic leader during the Spanish Inquisition, is the subject of Cedric Cohen-Skalli's intellectual biography.
The Orthodox Jewish community in America is diverse and segmented, with each faction having its own leaders and guidance tailored to their specific needs.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks emphasized the dangers of victimhood and the importance of personal responsibility and relationships in his reflections on the future of British society and liberal democracies.
Rabbi Gideon Black reflects on his experience working with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and emphasizes the important role played by Lady Elaine Sacks in supporting her husband's work.
In a series of letters to the editor, different perspectives on various topics are shared.
The author remembers Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer, who recently passed away, as a shining example of spiritual greatness.
This article reflects on two different stages of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' life and the impact he had.