Tag: Jewish Persecution

The author reflects on the personal significance of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, highlighting how the Allied landing on June 6, 1944, saved their Jewish family in France from Nazi deportation and likely death.
The text discusses the concept of Jewish resilience throughout history, exploring various perspectives on why Jews have survived despite numerous challenges and adversities.
Robert Einstein, a cousin of Albert Einstein, faced tragedy during World War II when his family was brutally murdered by Nazis at their villa in Italy.
The text discusses the idea that caste theory, rather than racism, may be the root of persecution faced by Jews, African Americans, and India's Dalits.
The text discusses instances of antisemitism, particularly in the context of legal rulings affecting Jewish practices in Europe.
The text discusses the complicity and indifference of Germans during the Holocaust and draws parallels to the indifference of Palestinians towards Jewish suffering today.
Meir Soloveichik, in a comprehensive article in the National Review, discusses the unique place of Jews in America compared to their historical treatment in other countries.
"The Zone of Interest" is praised as a significant film about the Holocaust for its unique approach.
In this article, the author explores the historical context of Jewish suffering and persecution in Alexandria and Judea during the early Common Era, highlighting the similarities between the experiences of Jews in both regions.
The article discusses the issue of Islamophobia and argues that there are rational reasons to be fearful of Islam and Muslims due to their geopolitical influence and the presence of terrorism.
"Maoz Tzur," a popular Hanukkah song, recounts Jewish history and expresses longing for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem.
The author argues that the Palestinian problem is primarily a religious problem, specifically stemming from a jihadist interpretation of Islam.
The author, a French Jew, reflects on the recent rise of anti-Semitism and acts of violence against Jews around the world.
Christie's auction house has canceled the sale of part of a jewelry collection owned by billionaire Heidi Horten, who inherited her husband's fortune made from buying Jewish businesses during the Holocaust.
Under pressure from Holocaust survivor groups and Jewish community organizations, Christies has canceled future auctions of the Heidi Horten jewelry collection, which was acquired through Jewish persecution.
Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, expressed concern about the rise of violent antisemitism in the United States, comparing it to the religious persecution his grandfather faced when he fled pogroms in Eastern Europe over a century ago.
During the Black Death in the 14th century, the Jewish population in Europe was greatly affected.
This text discusses a trial that took place in 1895, where Nicolae Iorga, a Romanian politician and scholar, was denied naturalization.
The article discusses the difference between International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Yom HaShoah, the Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day.
"Leopoldstadt," a play by Tom Stoppard, explores the difference between a Jew of culture and a cultural Jew.
The article explores the origins and themes of the novel Bambi: A Life in the Woods by Felix Salten and its subsequent adaptation into the Disney film.
In "Night Without End: The Fate of Jews in German-Occupied Poland," Jan Grabowski sheds light on the often overlooked experiences of Jews in rural and provincial areas during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
The Houthi militia in Yemen, backed by Iran, has expelled the last remaining Jews from the country, effectively ending over 2,000 years of Jewish history in the region.
Recent scholarship and popular interest in Scandinavia have focused on the treatment of Jews during World War II, with Denmark, Sweden, and Norway reassessing their roles in response to Nazi rule and the persecution of Jews.
The article discusses the rise of anti-Semitism as a racist conspiracy theory, distinct from other forms of bigotry, leading to the violent events such as the mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.