Tag: Kiddush Hashem

This episode discusses the life of Korczak, focusing on his Jewish responses and actions despite his lack of formal Jewish education.
The Parashah of the week, Kedoshim, emphasizes the command to be holy, highlighting that every action should be sanctified and serve a higher purpose, even mundane tasks like offering a seat to those in need.
Joe Lieberman was a prominent politician known for his observant Jewish faith and commitment to public service.
The writer discusses a recent article in Mishpacha Magazine by a Charedi columnist, Gedalia Guttentag, who praises the Dati world for their sacrifices and heroism in defending Klal Yisrael, contrasting it with the perceived lack of recognition from the Charedi world.
In this text, the author discusses the daunting task of combating anti-Semitism.
The discussion revolves around the potential negative impact of technology on religious values, particularly in the Orthodox Jewish community.
"Kan Tzipor: Inspiring Stories on Seizing Magic Moments of Opportunity to Do Chesed" by Stephen J. Savitsky is a collection of chesed stories centered around the concept of kan tzipor, the mitzvah of sending away a mother bird from her nest before taking her eggs.
In this article, the author responds to a discussion on whether high resource countries like Israel should prioritize providing COVID-19 vaccines to their own population or donate them to low resource countries.
This episode discusses the tragic death of R' Imanuel Chai Ricco and why he was considered to have died for Kiddush Hashem.
Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, a respected and influential figure in the Jewish community, has passed away.
The text explores a conversation between an Orthodox Jew and an atheist friend about morality without belief in God, highlighting the Orthodox perspective of linking morality to religious belief.