Tag: Madison Square Garden

An Israeli high school basketball team from the Eshkol Regional Council in Israel, who were separated after a tragic attack by Hamas, reunited in New York City for a 10-day trip organized by Project 24, a nonprofit aiming to help victims heal.
The New York Knicks have a special place in the hearts of Jewish New Yorkers due to a historical connection between Judaism and Knicks basketball, symbolized by figures like coach Red Holzman.
Israeli Orthodox pop star Ishay Ribo made history as the first Israeli to headline Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Israeli pop star Ishay Ribo, known for his blend of pop music and liturgical lyrics, delivered a unique concert experience at Madison Square Garden.
The text discusses the evolution of Daf Yomi Siyumim over the past 30 years, highlighting significant changes in scale and cultural elements.
"A Night at the Garden" is a concise documentary capturing the chilling 1939 Nazi-themed rally by the German American Bund at Madison Square Garden, filled with propaganda, Nazi symbols, and anti-Semitic rhetoric.
The text discusses the figure of Jeff Van Gundy, a prominent basketball coach and broadcaster, often speculated to be Jewish due to his appearance, demeanor, and connections to the New York Knicks.
The New York Knicks recently made the NBA playoffs after a long absence, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of an incident involving Charlie Ward making controversial remarks about Jews during a Bible study class.