Tag: Military Operations

While acknowledging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intentions for Israel's welfare, there are growing concerns about his decision-making, including recent conflicts with the Biden Administration over weapons shipments and doubts about completely eradicating Hamas.
Ayal Feinberg, director of the Center for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights at Gratz College, discusses the connection between hate crimes and Israeli military operations.
Israeli civilians in Tel Aviv are reluctant to acknowledge the impending ruling by the International Court of Justice on genocide charges brought against Israel by South Africa.
Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen is emerging as a leader of the progressive Senate bloc critical of Israeli policy.
Israeli military experts believe that Israel needs more time to defeat Hamas and that there are still intense battles to come.
In this series of diary entries from an IDF soldier, the author reflects on the ongoing conflict and the toll it takes on both the soldiers and the nation.
In this article, the author addresses the use of the term "genocide" to describe Israel's military operations in Gaza.
In this text, the author discusses the recent terrorist attacks on Jews in the West Bank and emphasizes the importance of pursuing justice and preserving life.