Tag: Military Service

The discussion revolves around the ongoing tensions within the Charedi community in Israel regarding the draft of Yeshiva students into the IDF.
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military service, causing resentment among other Israelis.
The text discusses the different perspectives on winning the ongoing war in Israel, highlighting the divisions within Israeli society.
Israeli reservists who have returned home after serving in Gaza are facing challenges as they transition back into civilian life.
The recent enlistment of some 3,000 Charedi men in non-combat roles in the IDF following a tragic event marks a potential shift in relations between the Strictly Orthodox and mainstream Israeli society.
In the Druze town of Hurfeish, located near the Lebanese border, a group of older Druze men have formed a first-response team for security threats.
The text discusses the issue of military service in the Israeli charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the moral and Torah-based arguments surrounding it.
In Episode 5 of the Israel Update, Mike visits Israel and highlights a strong sense of unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly among those in active military service.
The author, Mike Doran, recounts his visit to Israel and describes the strong unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly those in active military service.
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students.
As a journalist for Newsday, John Steinbeck visited Israel in the 1960s and was inspired by the country's energy, patriotism, and military prowess, in contrast to what he saw as America's decline in vision and will.
An increasing number of Haredi, or ultra-Orthodox, Jews in Israel are volunteering to serve in the IDF, bridging the divide between the Haredi community and secular society.
Since the October attack by Hamas, hundreds of Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) have enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), seen as a milestone in their integration into Israeli society.
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror.
A tweet featuring an Israeli soldier speaking Hasidic Yiddish has gained viral attention, with the soldier delivering a message of reassurance to American Jews.
In this article, the author expresses admiration for Jonathan Rosenblum, a prominent spokesperson for the Charedi community.
This text describes the experience of participating in a protest in Israel against proposed judicial reforms.
In this discussion, Dr. Gilad Malach and journalist Neri Zilber explore the often misunderstood world of Israel's ultra-Orthodox ("Haredi") community.
The text discusses a current event involving an Antifa suspect being shot dead by federal marshals after allegedly committing an assassination of a Trump supporter.
In this edition, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss the Israeli Supreme Court rejecting mass exemptions for ultra-Orthodox kids from army service, the decline of malls in Israel as possibly signaling a shift in Israeli culture, and they review significant events and figures of the year 5777.
Israel, currently facing no immediate strategic threats, features a play adapted from David Grossman's novel "To the End of the Land," a pessimistic take on Israel's future.
Michael Dorfman recounts his experiences in Gaza during his time in Israel, highlighting the vibrant and hospitable atmosphere of the region before its current state of ruin.
Richard Eisenberg, a Jewish veteran haunted by memories of the Vietnam War, found solace in honoring a military chaplain, Rabbi Meir Engel, with Kaddish every December for over 50 years.
Israeli high-school graduates can opt to defer their military service for a year through programs like Shin-Shin, where they engage in volunteer work.
David Grossman's novel "To The End of The Land" is a powerful exploration of love, loss, and family bonds set against the backdrop of military conflict in Israel.