Tag: Misogyny

The essay argues that there is no progressive case for Palestinians due to the unprogressive nature of the Palestinian movement, which is depicted as violent, misogynistic, homophobic, and antidemocratic.
Chef Rossi, raised in a lowly Orthodox Jewish home in New Jersey, rebelled in her youth and was sent to live in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, with a Chabad rabbi due to perceived bad influences.
The text delves into the stereotype of the Jewish mother, often portrayed as overbearing and guilt-inducing.
The text discusses a disagreement between the author, a Jewish individual, and Charlotte Church regarding a podcast episode where the author made light of a choir singing a pro-Palestinian song.
In this interview with director Guy Nattiv, he discusses his film "Golda," which focuses on the 19 days of the 1973 Yom Kippur War that define the legacy of Golda Meir, Israel's only female prime minister.
During the countercultural movement of the 1960s, underground comix provided a platform for free expression, but primarily for male artists who often depicted women as sexual objects.
The text examines the story of Adam and Eve and the primordial sin, offering new interpretations that challenge traditional views.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the declining support for Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, analyzing its implications for the upcoming elections.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three important topics: the decreasing popularity of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister among Israelis, the lack of trust Israeli teens have for those who are different from them, and the issue of misogyny towards Mizrahi women in positions of power.
The artist Zo Buckman explores the intersection of hip-hop, feminism, and her Jewish identity through embroidered vintage lingerie featuring lyrics from Biggie and Tupac.
The text reflects on the parallel lives of the author's father, a doctor, and her literary idol, the renowned writer Philip Roth, drawing comparisons and contrasts between the two men who both faced personal and professional challenges.
The article discusses the dilemma faced by fans of Woody Allen following allegations of sexual abuse by his stepdaughter, Dylan Farrow.
In Otto Weininger's controversial book "Sex and Character," published in 1903 shortly before his suicide at age twenty-three, he presents deeply anti-Semitic and misogynistic arguments, aligning with Wagnerian ideas of Aryan superiority and racial degeneration embraced by figures like Hitler.