Tag: Mitzvot

The Midrash explores the significance of the four days of taking and watching over the paschal lamb before its sacrifice, linking it to the need for Israelites to engage in mitzvot.
The Purim Report details a day in the life of the author on Purim eve and Purim day in 2015, with reflections on the various traditions and activities surrounding the holiday.
Confectionery! in New York City's East Village features a Mitzvah Wall where customers can pre-purchase treats for individuals facing challenges, exemplifying the concept of paying it forward in Jewish tradition.
This episode of Unorthodox features discussions on a range of topics, including Bar Refaeli's pregnancy, Mel Gibson's return to the spotlight, and interviews with guests like painter Archie Rand, who discusses his ambitious project depicting all 613 Jewish mitzvot in his book "The 613."
Mishloach Manot, the act of giving food gifts on Purim, does not require the foods to be from different blessing categories, contrary to a common misconception.
The article discusses the unique relationship between Purim and Pesach, highlighting their proximity on the calendar despite being far apart linearly.
Recent publications have highlighted the pursuit of happiness, linking it to understanding our own mental processes.