Tag: Mitzvot

In "Giving: The Essential Teaching of the Kabbalah," Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag's insights are presented by Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Gottlieb, focusing on Kabbalistic aspects of giving and human perfection according to Torah.
In Parashat Bechukkotai, it is outlined that following the commandments will lead to blessings, including peace.
The article discusses how the trauma of October 7, like the horror experienced during that event, will now mark time for Israel and global Jewry.
The author commends Jewish students observing Shabbat and performing mitzvot at the United for Palestine encampment at the University of Chicago, clarifying their enthusiastic support for these actions, which were featured in a Chicago Tribune article.
Lily Messing, a high school senior in Tucson, Arizona, founded 100+ Teens Who Care to empower teenagers to make a collective impact through philanthropy with just $25 each per meeting.
Lily Messing, a high school senior from Tucson, Arizona, founded 100+ Teens Who Care to empower high school students to collectively donate $25 each at quarterly meetings and decide on charities to support, reflecting the Jewish values of tikkun olam and mitzvot.
Iconic Orthodox Jewish-American politician Joseph Lieberman passed away, leaving behind a legacy of bipartisan politics and a steadfast commitment to Torah and mitzvos.
In this insightful piece by Sara Klugman, Purim is explored in the context of current conflicts, particularly the situation in Gaza.
The article discusses the differences between Centrist Orthodox and Yeshivish Orthodox approaches to Judaism.
The author discusses the concept of providing zechusim, or spiritual merits, for soldiers during war.
The article discusses the importance of character development in Jewish education, drawing on the wisdom of rabbinic authorities and research in educational psychology and neuroscience.
Neo-Hasidism refers to the engagement with Hasidic texts and practices by individuals who are not part of a Hasidic community.
In this article, Yakov Nagen explores what God wants from humanity based on an analysis of the creation chapters in the Book of Genesis.
In this article, Michael J. Broyde explores the question of why women are exempt from certain time-bound positive commandments (TBPCs) in Jewish law while being obligated in others.
This article discusses the importance of religion in Jewish continuity.
In this collection of letters, several topics pertaining to Judaism are discussed.
The article discusses the issue of mandating COVID-19 vaccination from a halakhic perspective.
In this video lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he discusses the principles found in the writings of Maimonides (Rambam).
The author explores the concept of "aveirah li-shmah," which refers to a sin performed in the name of God.
This text explores the complex personality of King Solomon (Shlomo) as depicted in the book of Kings and Chronicles.
The author reflects on their experience of giving up seafood after undergoing an Orthodox conversion to Judaism.
Rav Moshe Feinstein emphasized the obligation to educate children with special needs in Judaism, stating they should be included in certain mitzvot.
Rabbi Jacob Ettlinger from the 19th century raised a thought-provoking query in his halakhic work regarding the growth orientation of Sukkot items such as the etrog when sourced from countries like America or Australia, which could be seen as antipodal to his native Germany.
The text delves into the meaning and significance of the Aseret ha-Dibrot, or Ten Commandments, highlighting their unique nature as divine utterances revealed by God to the Children of Israel at Sinai.
The text discusses the nature of Halakhic civil law, focusing on the eternal and divine origin of Jewish civil laws as revealed in the Torah.