Tag: Mortality

In his new series "Silent Running," figurative artist David Stern captures the essence of the horrors of October 7th, when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, bringing chaos and violence.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the fragility of life and the importance of living with a sense of urgency and purpose in his personal narrative about a life-altering event that changed his perspective.
The text discusses the use of horror and humiliation as weapons in the conflict in Gaza, drawing parallels to historical events and analyzing their impact on Western and Islamic societies.
The author shares their personal experience of being shocked by their defibrillator during Kol Nidre services, which reminded them of their mortality and the unpredictability of life.
Paul Simon's new album, Seven Psalms, is a reflection on mortality and the meaning of life.
The text depicts the author's experience facing Parkinson's disease in his early eighties, which has deeply affected his physical abilities and cognitive function, causing exhaustion, tremors, and cognitive slowness.
Hillel Halkin's book delves into the topic of love, death, and immortality, touching on ancient Israelite burial practices, the concept of Sheol as an afterlife, and shifts in beliefs about immortality among later Jews.
Leonard Cohen's album "You Want it Darker" reflects his ambivalence towards death and God, exploring themes of suffering and mortality.
Chana Bloch, renowned for her translations of Yehuda Amichai and others, shines in her own poetry as well.
Yom Kippur, a holiday filled with reflections on mortality, often sees children hurried out of the Yizkor service by parents wanting to shield them from discussions on death.