Tag: Noah

Across Canada, pro-Israel 'bloody pants' protests are emerging, with a recent one in Vancouver organized by a group called Nonviolent Opposition Against Hate (NOAH), founded by Israeli expats, to counter anti-Israel sentiments.
In a podcast episode titled "The Dogs of War Edition," the host, Noah, discusses observing the current troubled world through modern means like a WhatsApp thread or TikTok, drawing inspiration from William Blake's advice to see a world in a grain of sand.
Noah reflects on the abundance of music produced during the current war, noting that it surpasses the music created in all of Israel's previous wars combined.
The text reflects on responding to tragedies, referencing Noah from the Torah story and discussing the normal emotions triggered by trauma, suggesting the importance of containing and processing these feelings wisely.
The discussion revolves around the story of Noah's Ark and the role of birds, particularly the raven.
In this text, the discussion revolves around the idea that there is a song that represents both the story of Noah and the story of Israel.
Rough Diamonds is a Belgian crime drama available on Netflix that revolves around the affairs of a wealthy Hasidic diamond-trading family, the Wolfsons.
Allison conducted an interview with Noah and Inbal Orpaz for the Haaretz Weekly podcast, discussing their reasons for running for city council and their political stance.
The permission to eat meat granted by God to humanity after Noah's Ark is often overlooked.
In a special episode recorded on a National Day of Resistance Against Dictatorship, the focus is on understanding a conflicted situation that encompasses lifetimes of disputes.
In this episode, Noah attempts to understand the complexity of a conflict that encompasses various historical conflicts.
In "The People Edition," the podcast features Sally, Miriam, Ohad, Don, and Noah sharing stories of inspiring individuals who have enhanced our lives, emphasizing the idea that certain tales are ingrained in our shared consciousness.
Noah discusses the story of a kibbutz that surrendered to the Egyptian army in 1948 and the lasting impact of this event on the community.
The podcast discusses Noah's increasing involvement in activism, growing pushback against political leaders scaling back Covid mitigation efforts, and the ethical concerns raised by the upcoming Winter Olympics in China.
This article reflects on the desire for escape and indulgence during times of crisis, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The concept of Jerusalem as the center of the world and the navel of the earth originated in the Book of Jubilees, a retelling of the Book of Genesis composed in Second Temple times.
Outgoing President Donald Trump created controversy in his final days by disrupting negotiations over a new COVID relief bill and issuing pardons to three convicted Republican figures.
The text discusses the significance of a song as an embodiment of the story of Israel.
This episode of "Noah" discusses a song that represents the story of Israel.
Noah finds comfort in reminiscing with the members of Liquid Plumr, a band from Shuafat refugee camp, amid election uncertainty.
A 26-year-old former drag-queen and trans woman won the Eurovision song contest shortly after Israel's fiftieth anniversary, impacting Israeli self-perception.
Turkish scientist Yavuz Örnek, a professor of Marine Sciences, suggested on a Turkish state-run channel that Noah, from the biblical story of the Great Flood, might have communicated with his son aboard the ark using a cell phone.
In this episode of Why Oh Why Wont You Try Me?
The article discusses the significance of Noah sending out a raven before the dove in the biblical story of the flood.
In a podcast episode titled "Standing Together or Coming Apart?" with special guest Alon Tal, Allison, Noah, and Alon discuss topics like interpreting current events in Israel, proposed changes in rape laws, and the political leanings of environmental organizations in Israel.