Tag: Occupation

The poem reflects on themes of family, identity, and guilt in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The author, who comes from a Black-Jewish background, reflects on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and their struggle to respond in a way that acknowledges the multiple truths at the center of the conflict.
The author reflects on their experiences and perspective regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
In this essay, Rabbi Shai Held discusses the challenges faced by religious Jews on the left in light of recent events in Israel.
In this interview, Mohammed Zraiy, a Palestinian living in Gaza, describes the dire situation on the ground, with no electricity, internet, medicine, or basic supplies due to Israeli bombardment.
Nathan Thrall, an American think-tank researcher and writer, and Abed Salama, a Palestinian resident of the West Bank, were on a book tour in New York City when news of Hamas attacks on southern Israel broke out.
The reporter reflects on their experience attending protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, noting that the Arab speakers received less enthusiastic responses from the crowd compared to the Jewish speakers.
This article discusses the declining legitimacy and potential collapse of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the aftermath of Israel's attack on the Jenin refugee camp.
"Open" is a collection of images that highlights the oppressive power of the Israeli state over the lives of Palestinians.
The author discusses their experiences and emotions while being in Israel-Palestine, expressing a sense of ambivalence and division within themselves.
Dr. Rob Geist Pinfold, a lecturer at Durham University, explores the topic of territorial withdrawals in his book "Understanding Territorial Withdrawals: Israeli Occupations and Exits."
The article discusses how the Israeli right, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, has employed a strategy known as the "salami method" to silence dissent and entrench the occupation of the Palestinian territories.
Israel is facing significant challenges that threaten its status as a democracy and its international standing.
In this letter to the editor, Mark Lurinsky criticizes Israeli analyst Yossi Klein Halevi for his disparagement of leftist Israeli groups focused on the occupation and human rights violations against Palestinians.
In this discussion, Sally Abed, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover two important topics.
Amnesty International recently released a report referring to Israel as an apartheid state, causing controversy and debate.
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has declared six Palestinian human rights organizations as terrorist groups, putting them at severe risk.
In "Maqluba: Upside-Down Love," author Sari Bashi shares her personal story of love and navigating a complex situation as a Jewish Israeli human rights lawyer defending Palestinian freedom of movement.
Sari Bashis, a Jewish Israeli human rights lawyer advocating for Palestinian freedom of movement, found her life further complicated when she fell in love with a Palestinian man living under occupation in Ramallah.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss various topics, including how Israelis start their days, the issue of having cameras in classrooms, and the controversy surrounding the use of a specific stone in Jerusalem buildings.
The article explores the concept of Jewish power and its use and abuse in the context of Israel.
In this episode, Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Miriam Herschlag discuss the importance of unity in Israeli politics, particularly focusing on opposition leader Yair Lapid's call for a National Unity Government that includes right, left, and center parties.
The author discusses the decoupling of the Arab-Israeli conflict from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, noting that the terms "Arab-Israeli Conflict" and "Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" are becoming obsolete.
This text discusses Albert Camus and his novel, The Plague.
The article discusses the case of Omar Shakir, the Israel-Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch, who faces deportation by the Israeli government due to his work exposing human rights abuses in the occupied territories.