Tag: Parenthood

The article compiles sage advice from Jewish dads, shared by Instagram followers.
The text discusses the challenges faced by single mothers in balancing self-care and beauty routines with the responsibilities of parenting.
Annie's father surprises her by revealing his consideration of retirement due to the failing business of their hotel.
The author reflects on the challenges faced by working mothers of her generation, highlighting how the expectations of career success did not account for the additional challenge of balancing motherhood.
The article discusses the impact of Hamas atrocities on Jews around the world, with various individuals sharing their perspectives and experiences.
The COVID-19 lockdowns have exposed the loneliness and dissatisfaction experienced by many independent women.
The author describes their experience of celebrating their non-Jewish friend's holiday, Christmas, and how it allowed them to appreciate and understand another culture without straying from their own Jewish identity.
In Israel, the societal emphasis on motherhood is strong due to reasons like religious beliefs, historical trauma, and demographic concerns.