Tag: Peace

The essay discusses the conflict between Israel and Hamas, criticizing activists who focus solely on condemning Israel without urging Hamas to surrender, which could lead to a ceasefire and peace.
A tutorial on the traditional Jewish ritual of lighting Shabbat candles, emphasizing the importance of bringing peace and warmth into the home through this practice.
The author shares a personal account of losing 31 family members in Gaza due to Israeli bombardments and highlights the devastating impact of the conflict on civilian lives.
Katharina von Schnurbein, the European Commission's Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life, underscores the EU's efforts to address rising antisemitism, noting various measures taken prior to October 2023 that are starting to show results.
The text discusses the concept of peace and its complexities in the Jewish and global context.
Douglas Murray discusses the misconception about peace being a human right in the West in a conversation with Eylon Levy.
Amidst a challenging year for Israel and rising antisemitism, the celebration of Pesach carries deeper significance as parallels are drawn between historical persecution and current events.
Kveller offers a guide with seven ways to adapt your Passover Seder this year in light of recent events like the October 7 attack in Israel and the war in Gaza.
The article discusses the song "Salaam Shalom" by Raffi, an Israeli-Canadian musician.
A group called Sharaka, founded in 2020 following the Abraham Accords, aims to promote dialogue, understanding, and cooperation between Bahrain, Morocco, and Israel.
This article explores the role of religious discourse during wartime and criticizes the tendency to idealize and glorify war within religious communities.
The article discusses the ongoing conflict within a synagogue over the labels of Zionist and anti-Zionist.
The author reflects on a time in 1989 when Bishop Desmond Tutu visited Jerusalem and brought a sense of hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Yossi Klein Halevi, a well-known Jewish author, is discussed in this article, highlighting his transition from a hawkish stance on Israeli politics to a more dovish perspective.
In this episode of Home Front, several important topics are discussed.
The author discusses the options for what will happen after Hamas is eliminated in Gaza.
In this sonnet-length poem by Jared Harl, the theme of loss is explored through references to Nazi-looted art during World War II.
The author emphasizes the importance of understanding different viewpoints while still rejecting actions such as the recent kidnappings.
In this interview, Sally Abed, an Israeli Arab peace activist, shares her perspective on the recent days of grief, anger, and fear.
Despite a devastating mass terror attack by Hamas causing over 600 deaths and 2,000 injuries in Israel, Israelis have united in the face of this tragedy, with a surge in support for peace and a strong communal response.
In the midst of conflict between Israel and Gaza, the author reflects on how trivial daily concerns can overshadow the larger issues at hand.
In this text, the discussion revolves around the idea that there is a song that represents both the story of Noah and the story of Israel.
This text discusses the concept of Messiah in Jewish thought, highlighting the longing for a time of peace and prosperity when the mission of the Jewish people is fulfilled.
The recent Israeli military operation in Jenin has resulted in increased hatred towards the Palestinian Authority (PA) among Palestinians.
Isabel Kershner, a reporter for the New York Times, talks about her book "The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel's Battle for its Inner Soul," exploring complex issues within Israel.