Tag: Personal Journey

The video delves into Rochel's emotional journey of overcoming infertility struggles and the tragic loss of one of her twins, finding strength and faith along the way.
Attending a Jewish funeral and sitting shiva for a friend's mother led the author to reevaluate her relationship with religion, ultimately inspiring her decision to convert to Judaism.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and a symposium of Jewish leaders discuss the decline of spirituality in Orthodox Jewish life and ways to address it.
The author, Bruce Black, uses vivid imagery to describe the feeling of being stuck in the past but also yearning to move forward.
In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, author Kayla Haber-Goldstein opens up about her personal journey to find God.
In "John Wing Jr.: My Life is my Prayer," the journey of stand-up comedian and poet John Wing is portrayed, highlighting the mix of humor and emotion in his life experiences.
Canadian indie singer Bif Naked shares a candid spiritual journey of self-discovery and resilience, moving past life's challenges towards new opportunities.
A woman who used to celebrate Rosh Hashanah in an Orthodox synagogue reflects on her changing observance of the holiday as she embarks on a physically challenging hike through Zion National Park with her husband.
"Hamilton and the Orthodox Underdog" by Alexandra Fleksher explores the resonance of Lin-Manuel Miranda's hit musical "Hamilton" among audiences, particularly focusing on the theme of the underdog which is central to the story of Alexander Hamilton.
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism.
The author reflects on their first and last experience wearing tefillin at age 15, feeling conflicted about the traditional Jewish practice as a staunch feminist raised in a feminist household where traditional gender roles were challenged.
The author shares their journey of conversion to Judaism, which was sparked by a desire since their early teens but was suppressed due to societal expectations and family concerns.