Tag: Prayer

This text discusses Spinoza's philosophy of determinism and its contrast with the Torah's view, emphasizing the importance of free will in areas such as moral perfection and prayer.
A personal reflection is shared about confronting mortality and undergoing medical tests, juxtaposed with the symbolism of Sukkot and its lessons of impermanence and vulnerability.
The author discusses their tradition of bringing books to synagogue during the High Holidays to distract themselves during the long services.
The United Methodist Church (UMC) in Pittsboro, North Carolina, hosted an ecumenical evening of prayer and commitment to action to end gun violence, following a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
Israeli singer-songwriter David Broza's latest project, the album "Tefila," blurs the line between prayer and performance.
The author reflects on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the fear and desire for peace that it evokes.
Cantor Aaron Bensoussan, a sacred singer originally from Morocco, is praised for his magical voice and heartfelt renditions of prayers.
A mother mourns the death of her child, feeling the weight of grief and anger.
The article discusses the challenges faced by American Jews as they navigate another year of High Holiday services being held online or in hybrid forms.
The story follows a group of young Jewish men in a town called Worms.
In this letter, Mosheh Lichtenstein discusses the emotional and spiritual impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel discusses the impact of tragedy on faith (emunah) in God.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel, who tragically lost her son in a terror attack, discusses the impact of trauma on faith.
During the challenging time of mourning her parents, the author found solace and connection through participating in a daily Zoom minyan for Kaddish recitation at her Reconstructionist synagogue.
The author reflects on their personal experience with the power of prayer (tefillah) during a serious illness.
In this collection of letters from the Winter 2020 edition of Jewish Action, a range of topics are discussed.
A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that religious faith in the United States actually strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the closure of most houses of worship and the increase in the death toll.
In this poem, the poet reflects on the nature of worship and the concept of God.
The Torah does not have books dedicated exclusively to the topic of leadership, despite containing wisdom on the subject.
Rabbi Naomi Levy offers a poignant prayer in memory of George Floyd, addressing the need for self-reflection and action against racism and injustice.
In this article, the author explores the connection between Torah study and mourning in Jewish tradition.
In the midst of challenging times such as a pandemic, the act of prayer becomes a crucial and perplexing practice for observant Jews, who are commanded to find kavannah, or purpose and intentionality, in their prayers.
The Haggadah, traditionally thought to have been solidified in the 1st to 3rd centuries CE, has continued to evolve over the centuries, with newer additions reflecting contemporary issues and aspirations.
The article discusses the Orthodox Jewish community's response to the Coronavirus epidemic, addressing technical aspects of contagion and transmission based on modern medicine and CDC guidelines.
In this discussion on hitbodedut in the writings of Rav Shagar and Rav Elhanan Nir, the concept of hitbodedut, a form of Jewish meditation associated with Bratzlav Hasidut, is explored as a practice that enhances prayer by fostering attentiveness and intention.