Tag: Privacy

Rebbetzin Ruchi Koval, a kiruv professional and social media influencer, discusses her use of technology to share Torah content and snippets of her personal life authentically.
The author reflects on the challenges of navigating modesty and privacy in a household with a pre-teen daughter, highlighting the complexities of being the only male in a predominantly female family.
The article addresses a woman's dilemma where her husband forbids her from informing their family about his job loss due to financial struggles.
The text discusses the concept of vulnerability as a virtue or a potential tool for manipulation within social media and personal branding.
The text is a brief mention of an article or piece titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" featured on the New Voices platform.
The article titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" can be found on the New Voices website.
Israeli actress Gal Gadot and her husband Yaron Varsano welcomed their fourth daughter, giving her the Hebrew name Ori, meaning "my light."
In Parashat Toldot, Isaac follows in his father Abraham's footsteps by pretending his wife Rebecca is his sister, leading to a revelation of their true relationship by King Abimelech.
The author describes visiting Kibbutz Beeri, near Gaza, after it was attacked by Hamas.
Sarah Brady, professional surfer and former girlfriend of actor Jonah Hill, shared alleged texts between them on her Instagram stories, revealing Hill's abusive and controlling behavior.
In this essay, the author discusses the challenges of teaching modesty (tzenius) to teenagers, particularly in a world of constant social media and oversharing.
This article discusses the challenges of teaching and practicing tzniut (modesty) in today's oversharing world.
The article discusses the concept of "gargoyles" as described in Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash, which refers to individuals who serve as human surveillance devices by continuously collecting data and intelligence on human activities.
This text is a personal account of the author's experience with conspiracy theories and their fascination with Dasha Nekrasova, who is associated with the Red Scare Podcast.
In this edition, Allison, Ilene, and Noah discuss whether the center-left should join PM Netanyahu's coalition, the proposal for new biometric identification in Israel, and how to remember the Holocaust as survivors become fewer.