Tag: Protests

The author of this opinion piece reflects on recent protests in Israel and shares the perspectives of her children and grandchildren, who have diverse political and religious backgrounds.
In this podcast episode, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the summer protests in Israel, the possibility of Israel drafting a constitution after 75 years, and the increasing trend of Israelis being less bound by traditional religious identities.
In this episode, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
David Brodsky, an associate professor of Judaic Studies at Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY), writes in response to a flyer accusing him and three other academics of anti-Palestinian racism.
Mass protests have erupted in Israel, with demonstrators blockading the main airport, reservists threatening to refuse service, and arrests of protesters.
The Promised Podcast explores the role of protests in Israeli society as the demonstrations continue for a seventh month.
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, which focuses on the ongoing protests in Israel, the hosts explore the role of protest in Israeli society.
The annual Celebrate Israel Parade in New York City showcased the divisions within Israel and the Jewish community, as protesters confronted members of Netanyahu's government who were participating in the parade.
The Celebrate Israel parade in New York sparked controversy due to the planned participation of Israeli officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government, leading to a boycott by the rabbinic human rights group Truah.
In this podcast episode, Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss three topics: the two-year budget passed by Netanyahu's government and whether it is a looting of public funds, the state of ongoing protests in Israel, and the question of whether the shuk (marketplace) in Israel needs a boutique and a hot spot.
Israelis who identify as secular are becoming increasingly frustrated with the influence and privileges of the ultra-Orthodox community in Israeli society.
Protests in Israel over judicial reforms have temporarily paused, but are expected to resume at the end of May.
Israel is currently immersed in a period of remembrance following Passover, with Holocaust Remembrance Day just passed and Memorial Day and Independence Day approaching, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the state's establishment.
Israel is currently experiencing protests against the government, which is attempting to bring the Supreme Court under political control and limit democratic freedoms.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has temporarily paused controversial judicial reforms that have sparked mass protests and condemnation from various sectors of Israeli society, as well as concerns from American leaders and Jewish organizations.
In the 100th episode of Unholy, hosts Yonit and Jonathan engage in a meaningful discussion with acclaimed thinker and writer Yuval Noah Harari.
Amid significant protests in Israel over judicial reforms proposed by Prime Minister Netanyahu, including a strike that paralyzed the country, Netanyahu agreed to temporarily halt the legislation to prevent potential civil unrest.
Dan Senor discusses the recent protests in Israel, focusing on the dismissal of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the challenges confronting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.
In a recent episode of Unholy Podcast, the hosts Yonit and Jonathan, along with special guest Ilana Dayan, discuss the ongoing protests and internal debate within the coalition regarding judicial reform, noting a moment when the prime minister appeared on the verge of conceding.
Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss the growing number of elite reservists in Israel who refuse to serve in the IDF due to judicial reform and whether this is a fair response.
President Herzog has called on the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and resume discussions with the opposition, but the government has ignored this plea and is pushing forward with its legislative agenda.
President Herzog recently urged the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and engage in talks with the opposition to avert a constitutional crisis.
Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli, criticized the Biden administration for intervening in Israeli politics and undermining Israel's sovereignty.
Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss the recent events at Huwara in Israel, which some have referred to as a pogrom, raising concerns about the persistence of such violence in 2023.
Israel's incoming government is poised to make significant changes to the judiciary, potentially undermining democracy in the country.