Tag: Protests

Dan Senor, author of "The Genius of Israel," reflects on his recent visit to Israel, highlighting the internal conflict among Israelis regarding the hostages' fate and the country's ongoing push against Hamas in Rafah.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid is worried that if President Joe Biden loses reelection, Israel may be viewed as a liability rather than an asset in American politics, especially due to growing criticism of Bidens handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The University of Southern California (USC) canceled its primary May graduation ceremony due to safety concerns following protests and arrests related to the cancellation of a speech by a Muslim American valedictorian whose views on Israel sparked controversy.
Nemat Minouche Shafik, a baroness, economist, immigrant, and Muslim American, is facing criticism as the president of Columbia University amidst turmoil over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on campus.
A mass protest erupted at Columbia University over the Israel-Hamas conflict, leading to more than 100 arrests and student suspensions.
Columbia University President Nemat Shafik testified before Congress about antisemitism on her campus, following tensions related to the Israel-Hamas war.
Recent protests in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Seattle indicate a potential shift in the actions of the pro-Hamas Left, characterized by open chanting of "Death to America" and hints at violent resistance.
Many Israelis are feeling scared and abandoned by their own government amid ongoing conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Israelis marked the 6-month anniversary of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack with sadness and frustration, demanding a ceasefire and criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu's handling of the crisis.
Recent political divisions in Israel are resurfacing after a period of unity following a series of attacks.
Protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government and calls for securing the release of hostages held in Gaza have escalated in Israel, with thousands gathering in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
A British Jewish individual expresses exhaustion and fear due to a surge in anti-Jewish hate since October 7, with incidents escalating to over 4,000, including threats in various settings.
Israeli and Jewish artists performing in the U.S. are facing threats and boycotts due to their connection to Israel or vocal support for the country.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has suspended the campus chapter of the Coalition Against Apartheid, a pro-Palestinian group, for violating university rules on protests.
Deborah Lyons, Canada's Special Envoy to combat antisemitism, discusses the recent rise in antisemitic incidents in the country, including protests targeting Jewish-affiliated institutions like Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.
Protesters, including relatives of Israeli hostages, are planning a multi-day march from the Gaza border to Jerusalem in support of measures to weaken Hamas.
The resignation of Mike Freer from his position in Parliament due to safety concerns highlights a growing issue of intimidation and violence targeting politicians and public figures, particularly those involved in Middle East politics.
Tensions have arisen at the University of Haifa over the re-admittance of Arab students who were suspended for their social media posts during the Israel-Hamas war.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing pressure from domestic rivals who are demanding the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
The University of Washington is facing ongoing tensions and incidents of anti-Semitism on campus.
Run For Their Lives Manhattan, a group with 52 locations worldwide, has been organizing runs in Central Park to raise awareness for the release of Israeli hostages still held by Hamas.
As the war in Gaza continues, there is a growing chorus of voices within the Palestinian enclave criticizing Hamas, the ruling regime.
The author, who comes from a Black-Jewish background, reflects on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and their struggle to respond in a way that acknowledges the multiple truths at the center of the conflict.
Israeli citizens have returned to the streets for rallies on Saturday nights, but the atmosphere is quieter and more somber.
A man has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of Paul Kessler, a Jewish pro-Israel activist.