Tag: Protests

The question of whether or not to condemn Hamas has become controversial within the pro-Palestine movement.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the controversial slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" commonly heard in Palestinian solidarity demonstrations, noting its hostility towards Israel's existence.
The author questions the double standard and selective outrage displayed by protesters who support the Palestinian cause but ignore other instances of violence and injustice, such as the actions of Hamas, the war in Yemen, the Syrian conflict, the genocide of Uighurs in China, and the plight of Afghan women.
On October 18, 2023, more than 1,500 progressive Jews gathered at Farragut Square near the White House to call for a cease-fire in Gaza.
Hundreds of protesters, including Jewish organizations, gathered outside the Israeli consulate in New York City for an Emergency Rally for Gaza.
Pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed in Manhattan following a Hamas attack on Israel that killed 700 people.
The article discusses the author's experience of being assaulted by an Israeli police officer while participating in a protest in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, a site of Palestinian evictions by settler organizations.
The article discusses the Supreme Court hearings in Israel regarding a law passed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government that allows the Knesset to override Supreme Court rulings.
Protests have been sweeping across Israel for the past 37 weeks, primarily in response to the government's plans to overhaul the courts.
In January of this year, protests began in Israel, with thousands of people taking to the streets every Saturday night to voice their discontent with the government, particularly regarding judicial reform.
The reporter reflects on their experience attending protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, noting that the Arab speakers received less enthusiastic responses from the crowd compared to the Jewish speakers.
Despite the ongoing protests and political upheaval in Israel, tourists and visitors to popular sites like the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard remain largely unaffected.
Israeli protesters traveled to the small village of Neve Ativ, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was staying for vacation, to disrupt his peace and send a message of opposition.
A Pittsburgh jury has sentenced the individual responsible for the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 to death, prompting discussions on the Jewish tradition's views on capital punishment.
The article discusses the passing of a law in the Israeli Knesset that amends a crucial paragraph in Israel's Basic Laws, removing the reasonableness standard.
The ongoing protests against the Israeli government's plan to overhaul the judicial system have exposed deep divisions within Israeli society and shattered the unspoken social contract that has kept the country thriving for over 75 years.
Israeli protests against the government of Prime Minister Netanyahu continue in Bellevue, Greater Seattle.
Israel's Supreme Court has announced that it will hear petitions challenging a new law that limits its ability to strike down government decisions.
The recent judicial overhaul in Israel has had a profound impact on writers in the country, with many seeing it as a pivotal moment.
Haggai Matar, executive director of 972mag, joins a Zoom call to discuss the ongoing protests against Israel's proposed judicial overhaul.
This article discusses the ongoing protests in Israel against a proposed judicial overhaul.
On the 28th consecutive week of protests against a proposed judicial overhaul in Israel, supporters, including Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain, gathered in Jerusalem to voice their concerns.
Despite significant political turmoil in Israel due to protests over proposed judicial changes, American tourism to Israel has reached record levels, surpassing pre-pandemic numbers.
This article highlights the life and activism of Shatzi Weisberger, a 92-year-old Jewish activist who became an online sensation during the protests against anti-Black violence after the murder of George Floyd.
The author discusses their experiences and emotions while being in Israel-Palestine, expressing a sense of ambivalence and division within themselves.