Tag: Rabbi

While it's not necessary to have a rabbi officiate a wedding, there are advantages to doing so, as they can provide spiritual guidance and help couples connect to Jewish traditions and values.
Rabbi Avram Mlotek discusses the increasing harassment faced by Jews in New York City, particularly during the Israeli-Hamas conflict, emphasizing the need for a bold love for fellow Jews amidst political tensions.
Temple Bnai Or, a Reform congregation in Morristown, N.J., underwent changes in its senior team, prompting the creation of a covenant guided by Rabbi Michael Satz to enhance organizational culture and teamwork.
In this article, an encounter is described between a rabbi and staff at an Israeli bank, where despite the staff not being religiously observant, they eagerly request and appreciate the rabbi's blessing.
The Substack newsletter Future of Jewish criticizes legacy Jewish organizations for not effectively responding to anti-Israel activism and the rise of anti-Semitism.
Exploring the halachic implications of Elijah the Prophet visiting a cemetery in the Parshah Rabbit Hole episode 31 (Emor).
Rabbi Jonathan Romain shares his experience attending an inter-faith conference in Qatar, where the majority of participants were from Muslim countries.
In "Fallout: Chapter 47," Fred Burton expresses frustration and resentment towards his daughter's behavior, feeling the need for discipline and a reality check.
The writer criticizes Rabbi Jay Michaelson for condemning Pastor John Hagee's support for Israel, insinuating Hagee's motives are solely to hasten end-times.
In light of recent tragedies affecting both Israelis and Palestinians, the author suggests a symbolic change for the Passover seder by using only two matzot instead of the usual three to evoke the experience of scarcity and suffering in captivity.
Argentina is on the cusp of confirming Rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish as its ambassador to Israel, a historic appointment as the first rabbi ever to serve in this role.
The author reflects on their experience at a U.N. session about sexual violence against Jewish women by Hamas and highlights how American Jews need to emulate Israeli assertiveness in facing antisemitism.
The discussion explores the challenges and dilemmas faced by Haredi individuals regarding military conscription, particularly focusing on the possibility of maintaining religious observance while serving in the IDF.
The text delves into the complex question of whether one should prioritize the medical advice of a rabbi or a doctor in the face of health issues.
The article discusses the distinction between seeking guidance from a rabbi or a therapist in the Jewish community.
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortion and reproductive care, particularly in the context of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryo status.
"Atah Manhig: A Life in Reform Judaism" is a new book by Lance J. Sussman, a recently retired rabbi of a large Reform congregation in Philadelphia.
The author discovers his familial connection to the Jewish Lower East Side of New York through his great-great-grandfather, Sender Jarmulowsky, who played a crucial role in building the community.
In these two poems from "Knock-knock," Owen Lewis explores Jewish themes and questions.
The author discusses her journey to reconnect with her Jewish identity, prompted by her son's questions about their Jewishness.
In this discussion focusing on Parashat Yitro, it delves into the role of a rabbi in modern times compared to historical contexts.
Moment Magazine is reviving its Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) for the 2024 presidential election season.
In considering the question of whether one's remains can be buried in more than one cemetery, an Orthodox perspective emphasizes the importance of complete and expeditious burial according to Jewish law, reflecting respect for the dead and the belief in future resurrection.
Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson, who recently passed away, had a profound impact on the Jewish community.
Dayan Ofer Livnat discusses the different approaches to Tehillim (Psalms).