Tag: Rabbi

The author reflects on receiving a significant sum of money from his deceased father and his internal struggle with wealth, debt, and Jewish values surrounding money.
The writer reflects on his father's meticulous life and posthumous request to decide on his headstone inscription.
In this reflective narrative, the author recounts a transformative experience mountain biking in Sedona with their rabbi and an insightful Native American guide named George.
A former rabbi shares his family's experience and decision to hold a secular wedding for their daughter who married a non-Jew, despite their observant Jewish background.
The author reflects on a conversation with a Jewish friend who doubted their ability to fully integrate into Jewish culture through conversion due to their non-Jewish upbringing.
The symposium on women and Torah learning highlighted the support from Jewish leaders like the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Lichtenstein for women engaging in high-level Torah study.
Rabbi Zev Farber talks about his books on Jewish law and organ donation, illustrating how Jewish law is evolving to address modern issues.
Literary critic Adam Kirsch reflects on reading a page of the Talmud daily and highlights the dual portrayal of rabbis within its text.
Rabbi Zev Eleff reflects on the challenges faced by rabbis and parents, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing family.
Allison, Don, and Noah delve into Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech at the UN where he argues about the world's love for Israel, the controversy over providing free shuttle services for Hassids to visit a rabbi's grave, and reflect on significant events in Israel over the past year as Rosh Hashanah approaches.
Chaim Goldberg reflects on the profound impact and spiritual guidance of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, despite their limited direct interactions.
Dr. Paul Shrell-Fox, a rabbi and psychologist at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, discusses the development of Jewish intellect with host Gilad Halpern, addressing the long-standing question of whether Jews are inherently smarter.
The author reflects on their late mother's attributes and their journey into Judaism.
Avi Weiss, a prominent Orthodox rabbi known for his revolutionary activism, broke away from Yeshiva University in 1999 to establish Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, promoting Open Orthodoxy with a focus on women's involvement and denominational inclusivity.
A rabbi recounts the challenges faced when announcing her engagement to another rabbi, navigating family reactions, including her grandmother's refusal to accept her same-sex marriage.
The text is a deeply personal reflection on the author's experience of losing their mother to brain cancer.
In this humorous dialogue, two individuals, likely a rabbi and a congregant, discuss the challenges of crafting a meaningful Yom Kippur sermon that stands out.
The New York Times reported a story about Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies missing their kosher-certification symbol, causing confusion among consumers.