Tag: Religious Conflict

Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, an esteemed Rosh Yeshiva in Israel, is facing criticism for his staunch opposition to allowing Charedi students to be drafted into the IDF, leading to financial crises in yeshivos due to revoked government funding.
In this piece, a young person recounts their experience at an Orthodox Jewish seminary during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.
A young Jewish student in Berlin was brutally assaulted after being heckled about his views on Israel by a fellow activist.
The author discusses the lack of unity among Orthodox Jews, particularly between the Dati (religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox) and Charedi communities in Israel when it comes to military service.
The poem reflects on themes of family, identity, and guilt in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The author argues that the Palestinian problem is primarily a religious problem, specifically stemming from a jihadist interpretation of Islam.
This text explores the question of how to reconcile faith in God with the realities of the Holocaust.
The author discusses how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is often misunderstood and mischaracterized, particularly when it is framed in terms of colorism or through the lens of other conflicts around the world.
In a discussion by Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman, several topics were covered.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the controversy surrounding Airbnb's decision to remove Jewish settlers from their site, questioning whether it was a courageous political stand or unjust singling out of Israel.
Aliza Bloch, a religious Zionist woman, is running for mayor in Beit Shemesh, aiming to unite the fractured community.
The text discusses the significance of the Kotel compromise, a historic agreement reached after intense negotiations between Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative Jewish representatives.
Rabbi Shalom Carmy reflects on the teachings and legacy of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, emphasizing the importance of navigating complexity and balancing conflicting values in life.