Tag: Religious Liberty

Several Jewish families, alongside others, are part of a lawsuit challenging a new Louisiana law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.
During a secretly recorded conversation at a Supreme Court dinner, Justice Samuel Alito expressed his personal views as a conservative Catholic, affirming the need for a return to "G-dliness."
Joe Lieberman, a prominent figure in American Orthodox Judaism, demonstrated the importance of bringing Jewish values into the public sphere during an Orthodox Union forum in 1998, leading to the establishment of the OU Advocacy Center in Washington.
Yeshiva University is involved in a legal battle with its LGBTQ+ students who want to be recognized as an official university club.
A multifaith group of parents, including Muslim, Catholic, and Ukrainian Orthodox parents, is suing the Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland, arguing that the introduction of LGBTQ-inclusive children's books infringes on their religious liberty.
This article discusses the role of Jews in the American Revolution and the subsequent granting of political equality to Jews in the United States.
The Sikh Coalition, an advocacy organization for Sikh Americans, has been working to combat discrimination and promote religious liberty for Sikhs in the United States.
Two cases have been filed by Rastafarians seeking damages for the forcible shaving of their dreadlocks while in prison, arguing that it violated their religious liberty.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Michael A. Helfand, a law professor specializing in religious liberty, discusses the First Amendment and its implications for funding religious schools.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the host interviews Michael A. Helfand, a Pepperdine Law professor specializing in religious liberty, to discuss the First Amendment and its implications for funding religious schools.
In a letter to the Jewish Review of Books, Jason Bedrick discusses the implications of the Carson v. Makin case and the Supreme Court's decision to uphold religious liberty and reject religious discrimination.
Eli Spitzer, a columnist and hasidic educator, discusses the New York Times' controversial article on hasidic schools in greater New York.
The New York Times published an article called "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money," which claimed that hasidic Jewish religious schools in New York receive a significant amount of government funding but provide poor secular education, practice corporal punishment, and evade outside oversight.
President Trump's four years in office have been marked by significant events such as the coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, impeachment, and controversial decisions affecting American Jews.
The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in the case of Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru and St. James School v. Biel, which involves the question of whether religious institutions are exempt from antidiscrimination laws on First Amendment grounds.
The last thirty years have seen ongoing tensions at the Western Wall between Women of the Wall, advocating for women's prayer rights, and haredi Jews resisting changes to traditional practices.
AJC Passport discusses the upcoming confirmation battle for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with insights from AJC General Counsel Marc Stern, an expert on the court and religious liberty.
In Tel Aviv, a controversy arose over the use of a mechitzah at a religious event in Rabin Square.
In a reflection on a recent court case involving get-torturers, the focus lies on the courts' dismissal of the torturers' claims of religious liberty under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
The article discusses a case where a group of Orthodox Jewish men, including rabbis, were involved in a torture-for-hire scheme targeting husbands who refused to grant their wives a Jewish divorce document known as a get.
The legality and constitutionality of the traditional live-chicken version of the kapparot ritual, often performed by some members of the Jewish community, is being challenged in a federal case in California by an animal rights group, United Poultry Concerns.