Tag: Religious Pluralism

Rabbi Andrew Sacks, a prominent advocate for religious pluralism in Israel and the director of the Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, passed away at the age of 70.
Antisemitism is surging, with a sharp increase in incidents and hateful speech online.
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel were influential American religious figures of the last century and unlikely friends.
Moment Magazine has compiled a list of the top 10 most-read stories in 2023 that shaped the American Jewish conversation.
Tel Aviv's Dizengoff Square became a battleground for religion and gender segregation on Yom Kippur due to a failed response from the Israeli police and the Tel Aviv municipality.
The author discusses the complex relationship between American Jews and Israel, particularly for non-Orthodox Jews.
The author argues that despite disagreements, democracy is still thriving in Israel and the voters who supported the current government had various reasons for doing so, such as enhancing governability, ensuring personal security, and addressing social issues.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, passed away at the age of 72.
The text explores the complexities of ritual pluralism within Jewish denominational spaces, focusing on the tensions between normative practices and deviant practices.
Host Eli Kowaz and guest Uri Keidar, executive director of Israel Hofsheet, delved into how the relationship between synagogue and state will impact the Knesset race.
Tisha B'Av, a day commemorating the destruction of the Temple, prompts reflections on Jewish unity and division.
The text explores the evolution and controversy surrounding the Alenu prayer, specifically its historical anti-Gentile language targeting Christians.
This text describes a Jewish traveler's experience observing Yom Kippur at a Buddhist meditation center in India.