Tag: Religious Practice

A proposal has emerged from Charedi parties in Israel suggesting drafting approximately 25% of yeshiva students annually, possibly rising to nearly 50%, a significant departure from longstanding opposition to the draft due to concerns about impacting religious practice.
A tutorial on how a married Jewish woman covers her hair using headwraps and headcoverings.
The author shares their personal experience of fasting on Yom Kippur without engaging in other religious practices like prayer or going to synagogue.
This episode discusses the Tanya's perspective on the importance of performing mitzvot properly and the significance of doing so for the sake of Lishma.
In this article, the author emphasizes the importance of belonging and community in religious life, particularly within Judaism.
The article discusses two films, "Where Life Begins" and "A Life Apart," that offer portrayals of Hasidic life.
In this episode of 18Forty, author Kayla Haber-Goldstein discusses her personal journey to find God and her exploration of Judaism.
The author reflects on how her celebration of Christmas as a child, despite being Jewish, gradually lost its appeal as she grew older.
This text is a personal reflection on the life of the author's father, a secular Jewish man with a passion for science and a connection to his Jewish heritage.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Daniel Feldman explores the role of comedy in Jewish thought and practice.
The author reflects on their preconceived notions about food, holiness, and religious practices influenced by their Christian upbringing before converting to Judaism and embracing kosher observance.
The text explores a conversation between an Orthodox Jew and an atheist friend about morality without belief in God, highlighting the Orthodox perspective of linking morality to religious belief.
In a reflection on a recent court case involving get-torturers, the focus lies on the courts' dismissal of the torturers' claims of religious liberty under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
The author, an Orthodox Jew struggling with OCD, recounts their experience of intrusive thoughts and compulsions that interfered with prayer and daily life.
The text delves into the complexity of Jewish identity and practice, emphasizing that for many Jews today, Judaism no longer feels like a native language due to various reasons such as assimilation, lack of community cohesion, and changing societal norms.
An Israeli sociologist conducted a study at Jewish summer camps in the United States with over 700 children, revealing insights into how different Jewish denominations view their identity.
The text discusses the controversial topic of circumcision, focusing on the book "Marked in Your Flesh" by Leonard B. Glick.