Tag: Self Discovery

Journalist Reuven Fenton's debut novel "Goyhood" explores the story of Martin Belkin, an Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he is not Jewish according to rabbinic law.
The author reflects on their Jewish identity and experiences that have connected them to their Jewish community, such as blessing the Sabbath candles and attending a wedding under a pomegranate-laden chuppah.
Hillel Poland is a community organization that provides a space for Jewish young adults in Poland to explore their Jewish identity and connect with others.
The author describes themselves as a six-strand loaf of braided challah bread, with each strand representing a different flavor and essence.
"Chanshi" is a popular new Israeli show telling the story of a young Orthodox woman who embarks on a journey to Israel to have encounters with IDF soldiers, leaving behind her fiancé.
In this episode of 18Forty, Mark Moskowitz shares his story of finding meaning and himself in federal prison after being incarcerated for defrauding his investors.
In this episode of 18Forty, Mark Moskowitz, an author, speaker, and coach, shares his transformative experience of finding meaning and himself in federal prison after being incarcerated for defrauding his investors.
The author reflects on her journey of finding her voice as a singer, starting from her time at a Reform Jewish summer camp where music was integral, to her experiences in theater and in her Reform temple.
When the author, Etgar Keret, was 19 and serving in the Israeli army, he wrote his first story during a long shift in a remote computer room.