Tag: Synagogue

New York City investigators have uncovered an illicit underground tunnel stretching 60 feet underneath a building adjacent to the main synagogue at Chabad's Brooklyn headquarters.
A group of individuals attempted to break through a synagogue wall at Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, in order to expand the complex.
Arrests were made at the Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn after Chabad students attempted to prevent construction crews from filling a secret tunnel discovered underneath the building.
According to an Israeli parliamentary committee, seven members of the Bnei Menashe Jewish community in India were killed in a rocket attack near a synagogue in Manipur state.
Seven members of the Bnei Menashe Jewish community in India were killed in a rocket attack near a synagogue in the state of Manipur.
The author describes their experience of starting their day under the shadow of a bomb threat to their synagogue.
The article titled "Thirteen Ways of Looking at Your Dying Mother" explores the author's personal experience of caring for their dying mother.
A man named Brent Wood has been arrested in connection with an antisemitic attack outside a synagogue in Washington, D.C. The attack occurred when Wood allegedly sprayed an unknown substance on two individuals while shouting an anti-Semitic phrase.
Rabbi David Stav, a leading liberal Religious Zionist rabbi in Israel, believes that the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas and the ensuing war have led many secular Israelis to reconnect with Judaism and find solidarity in their religion.
A 13-year-old boy in Canton, Ohio, has been arrested and charged with two misdemeanors for planning a mass shooting at a local Reform synagogue.
The FBI has announced the arrest of a minor involved in a swatting ring that targeted synagogues in California.
Raphy Nissel, a member of the Young Israel of North Beverly Hills synagogue, was attacked on his way to prayer services by a stranger who swung a belt at him and called him a Jew.
A man has been arrested and charged with a hate crime after allegedly assaulting a Jewish man and making antisemitic remarks in Beverly Hills.
The Bnei Menashe Jews, believed to be descendants of the lost tribe of Manasseh, have faced challenges on two fronts: in Israel and in Manipur, India.
The text discusses how Jewish institutions, particularly synagogues, have undergone significant changes in the digital age.
In this essay, the author reflects on the challenges and importance of maintaining a Jewish community in a small town during the pandemic.
Montreal has recently experienced a surge in antisemitic incidents, including bullets fired at a Yeshiva elementary school and molotov cocktails thrown at a Federation building and synagogue.
A Los Angeles charter school housed at a synagogue is facing controversy after two first-grade teachers held lessons about the "genocide of Palestine" and expressed their disgust with Israeli flags on campus.
In times of distress, recent events have imbued traditional Jewish prayers with renewed significance, particularly emphasizing the themes of peace and freedom.
The author reflects on the current state of danger and suffering for both Israel and Jews worldwide, and the necessity of special prayers during such times.
The author recounts their experience on Simchat Torah, a Jewish holiday marking the completion of the annual Torah reading cycle, which coincided with the outbreak of war in Israel.
Israeli teenagers visiting a synagogue in New Jersey were shielded from news of their country being at war by their rabbi, who eventually had to gently break the news to them.
The text discusses the concept of faith as it pertains to the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur and synagogue attendance during the High Holy Days.
This personal essay reflects on the experiences of the author's survivor parents attending a High Holidays-only prayer community at the Riverside Plaza Hotel in Manhattan in the 1960s.
An increasing number of Jewish congregations in North America and Europe are adopting digital technology for yahrzeit memorials, replacing traditional bronze or brass plaques with interactive digital memorials accessible from anywhere, including phones.