Tag: Tikkun Olam

The debate between particularism and universalism in Jewish thought has been ongoing since Jews emerged from the ghettos in the 19th century.
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's book "Nineteen Letters" provides a framework for understanding how Judaism can be relevant in the modern world.
This text discusses the complex relationship between Jews and social justice movements.
The article discusses the multifaceted nature of Judaism and its different perspectives on social justice.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks emphasized the dangers of victimhood and the importance of personal responsibility and relationships in his reflections on the future of British society and liberal democracies.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, writer and researcher Eli Rubin discusses the relationship between mysticism and social action in Judaism.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a beloved teacher and mentor, had a profound impact on many people, including the author Nathan J. Diament.
Teaching children about the importance of voting and civic engagement is crucial.
Craig Newmark, the philanthropic founder of Craigslist, is taking action during the pandemic, particularly concerned about the rise of online antisemitism and bigotry.
Jews have been increasingly involved in the cannabis industry and culture worldwide, with Israel leading in medical research and North American Jews catching up due to legalization.
Alix Greenberg's innovative platform, ArtSugar, blends art collecting with tikkun olam by donating 5 percent of each sale to a charity chosen by buyers from a diverse list.
The author laments the manipulation of Palestinians by terrorist organizations and criticizes those who prioritize condemning Israel over acknowledging the suffering of Palestinians.
Tamar Manasseh shares her perspective on being labeled as a "black Jew" and discusses the complexities she faces as a Black person within the Jewish community.
The article discusses the contrasting approaches of Presidents Obama and Trump towards Jewish values and perspectives.
Society Jane, based in San Francisco, offers a different approach to cannabis consumption for women, focusing on organic and sustainably produced products with consistent and manageable doses.
The discussion revolves around the concept of "tikkun olam," which traditionally meant implementing Jewish laws practically and fairly, then evolved into a mystical process of rectifying a broken world, eventually taking on a social justice and political dimension in the last half-century.
The article discusses four key lessons in virtue that Jews can learn from Martin Luther King, Jr., beyond the often-referenced connection to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Photographer Gillian Laub spent 12 years documenting a community in Mount Vernon, Georgia, known for one of the last segregated proms in America, which led to her HBO documentary "Southern Rites" and a published book.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein discusses the future of American Orthodoxy, highlighting the need to focus on internal challenges such as defections and the lack of strong leadership, as well as the importance of spiritual and moral growth within the community.
The author, reflecting on the recent shooting in Charleston targeting African Americans, draws parallels to the historical Jewish experience of oppression and displacement.
The text explores the connection between bees, sexual energy, and Jewish sexual laws, particularly around abstinence and intention in sexual engagement.
The discussion on why American Jews tend to lean towards liberalism touches on various perspectives.